Share the Love during times of Fear

Greetings, Beloved Ones.

There is much unrest and unease within your current roles in human society.  Many of you are being tested and pushed, prodded and poked.  Do not deride those undergoing confusion and pain, for this process of enlightenment is not one that is easily understood by the uninitiated.

Many of you speak of living an authentic life – but what happens to one of you when that which has been hidden and suppressed is suddenly coaxed out of the safety within?  Without any understanding of what is happening?  The general reaction among humans is fear.

Fear is the opposite of Love.  Fear is very real to many individuals because they do not understand that they are Loved unconditionally.  They believe that they are unlovable and unworthy of Love, so they protect themselves with emotional and psychological barriers which, in turn, create a barrier against Love.

In circumstances such as what your human plane is going through now and will continue to go through in the next few years, it is important to understand that Fear can destabilize environments and cultural situations.  Fear can bring about the exact opposite of growth.

Yet growth is exactly what is being presented to these individuals who react with Fear.  Growth is a process of letting go, a process to unearth that which has been suppressed, a process that is not quick either, but in the end provides great opportunities.

Look around you, Beloved Ones.  See with your heart – not your eyes and not your ears.  See with your hearts and feel compassion for those who are reacting to the pain and confusion that is within themselves caused by the pieces of themselves long buried trying to emerge.  Like a butterfly, that which is within will slowly unfold and be obvious, but until the process is complete it is not obvious what is taking place.

Many humans are oblivious to the concept of “all is one”, even though you are all One, belong to One, and will return to the state of Oneness from which you are currently unable to fully access.  Many of these individuals struggling with Fear believe they are absolutely alone, have rejected a concept of Love, and only resonate to that which is the detritus within them leading them by the nose.

When you see these individuals, do not hate them, or feed their fear, or deride them for each human has his or her Path to Oneness to achieve.  Instead, tap into your Lower Hearth Chakra and feel compassion and empathy for them.  Just as you would help an individual who was unseeing cross a busy intersection realize that these individuals need to be guided even more so.

Compassion is a two-way street.  In the beginning you had to learn compassion for yourself to be able to forgive yourself and begin your own healing process.  Now that you have that understanding it is time to share that compassion with those around you who are mired in Fear.

Be gentle, help them in whatever way is possible as they explore their process and uncover their own truth.  Guide with support instead of doctrine, lead them over the crevasses so they can See that others’ truth is valid as well as their own, be the Voice of Love during times of strife, anxiety, Fear, and chaos, be the Lighthouse beacon shining the Love of the Creator throughout the dark night of chaos about to consume you.

And above all, live the authentic you – do not allow Fear to cover that which is yours or you.  You have the Love and Support of your Guides, the Ascended Masters, the Angelics, and the Light Beings and you know you are not alone.

You are never Alone.

You are Loved beyond Measure.

You are One with the Universe.

You are One with the Creator.

Be Love.

Live Hope.

Be Compassionate.

Share the Love.


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