Living the Human Experience

Greetings, Beloved Ones.

What is the purpose of being human?  For those who have started on the path to wondering why you came here, allow us to supply you with some things to consider.

In the initial stages of waking up from the mind sleep that the majority still experience, most humans realize that the beliefs and concepts taught to them by their parents, religious establishments, and leaders are incorrect.  Some ideas are realized to be complete fabrications, lies stretched beyond comprehension in an effort to stop questions from occurring within the minds of those who are starting to question.

During this particular stage of the process, many people experience anger and even rage that their parents and those they respected would use them with such ill intent.  It is not Our intention to encourage that anger.  The root of anger is Fear and We do not want you to stay rooted in Fear.  Fear helps no one and in fact, will stop your thinking and analyzing processes.

Instead, We encourage you to feel compassion for those who taught you these things, for the Truth is that few humans are awake and fewer of those have the courage to attempt to stop the machine called indoctrination from moving forward.  The only way it can be stopped is to stop it for yourself.  Look, question, gather facts and information, and allow your experiences to help you along the way.  We Angelics, your Spirit Guides, your High Self, and the Creator all assist you with your life experiences to help provide you with opportunities for you to awaken out of the Human Mind Sleep state.

Now that you have awoken and are looking at your life, please know you are not alone in questioning why you are here.  The human world is chaotic and difficult and emotionally bruising.  It is a place to allow a multitude of experiences for each human from birth to death and each human’s life starts out the same – as an infant.

When your High Self created your Life’s Blueprint, many things were taken into account. Many contracts and agreements were established with soul family members, with other souls with whom you experienced other lifetimes, with the Ascended Masters and the Angelics whose families you would be a part of during this lifetime.  It is no accident that you are exactly as you are – it is part of the design, the result of much great work to create a lifetime of opportunities for you to experience and make choices and experience the result of those choices.

Humans, out of all the Creator’s designs, are blessed with the greatest emotional range and capacity.  No other race or species than humans have the ability to feel the multitude of emotions.  It is considered a great honor when the High Self has a lifetime blessed by the Creator; it is then the High Self’s responsibility to choose a piece of itself to incarnate on this planet for there are many pieces of itself that wish to have this opportunity.

It may seem that there are many humans on this planet today, so of course this is nothing but a common occurrence, but I assure you it is not.  There are a multitude of Souls and High Selves that contribute to the population in the human environment, but that is temporary for this particular human experience.  Many other human experiences have a great number less humans present. Each human lifetime is designed – including the type of human experience needed to add to the High Self, which then adds to the Soul and Over Soul.  These criteria dictate the when and where the human life takes place.

So We circle back to the “why am I here” question.  What is my life purpose?  Each human has many life purposes, many goals, many lessons to learn.  Many lessons are shared lessons, shared with the other humans existing at the same time as you do.  But other lessons are created for your life plan and may be very different from those around you.

Many times humans feel abused, sorry for themselves when they believe their life is not perfect, it is not like the person across the street’s life.  Comparing your life to another’s serves no purpose other than to feed self-pity and victimization.  These are emotions you are capable of feelings, but they will not assist you in growing through your experience, so We encourage you to process through those emotions as quickly as you can and get back on track.

What is your motivation?  Why should you even get out of bed in the morning, We hear you ask?  Each human was provided with a construct, called the Ego, that assists with survival. It was learned during the beginning stages humans required some assistance to survive through the traumas that can occur.  There is no sin in ending one’s life, but it does cut short the purpose of being there and it can incur Karma with those agreements and contracts you were unable to meet or complete.  But still, each human has Free Will and being selfish is a condition the average human exhibits.

So again, what is your life purpose?  In simple terms, to discover who you are.  To discover the TRUE YOU, the one that has been buried by conditioning.  To uncover the You that is the real You instead of the You that was forced into a box a long time ago.  To shed the ideas you believe are Truth and return to a state of questioning, until you resonate with your personal Truth.  Your personal Truth shall set you free; it will allow you to grow and experience and Love, but it takes time.  It takes baby steps along the way, for shedding the norms, the mores, the conditioning of a lifetime takes a lot of work.

So what is your purpose?  To heal.  To uncover your True You.  To Grow.  To discover within you all the wonderful things you were designed to be, to experience, to share.  To rediscover the connection within you to the Creator, for it exists within every human.  To feel joy, love, and gratitude for the gift called Human Experience.

This takes work.  All too often humans want immediate results, instant gratification.  We know that, and all We can do is counsel patience and suggest you seek Wisdom. Wisdom is highly underrated by humans, yet it is the one thing for which each person has a capacity. Not the exact same wisdom, but each person has the capacity as it is essential for personal growth.  Wisdom is the internal teacher, it helps humans to learn from mistakes and to make reasoned choices.  Wisdom allows humans to stay alive, to grow, and to recognize opportunities when they are present.

So, you want to know your Life Purpose?  We Angelics suggest you start with the most basic of lessons – uncover the True You from under the conditioned You.  Examine everything – every thought you have, every belief you possess, every idea that tells you who you are.  And when you think you are done, start again.  For the Truth is, everyone around is just like you.  There are no differences other than superficial ones.  No one is “more special” or “better” or “perfect” because the reality you live in is a construct designed to provide an experience.  And the participants in that experience come from the same spiritual essence that created your reality.

So, where you think you are better than others, examine that closely.  Where you think you are worse off than others, examine that closely too.  Examine everything and then, when you have done that twice over ask again why you might be having the human experience.

You have much to gain by this work.  Spiritual Growth is not for the fainthearted, fortitude is required.  Dig within yourself and We Angelics, your Guides, High Self, Spirit, and the Creator will all be supporting you with Love and Joy.

We are here with you always through your human experience.  Call upon Us and allow Us to assist you as We can, for We Love You unconditionally.

Living One’s Life with Free Will

Greetings Beloved Ones,

We have touched upon the topic of Free Will previously, but we are going to address the concept again as it is a very important idea that cannot be understood too deeply.

Free Will is the intrinsic right of each being on the earth plane to make choices or non-choices as the person decides.  Each lifetime is written and directed by the choices or non-choices made by the individual and that person bears the responsibility of the choices and non-choices made.

One brings many different things into each lifetime.  Each lifetime is different; one’s higher self develops the blue print for this lifetime and so different factors affect each lifetime.  Whatever those factors are, whatever goals for learning and growth and enlightenment may exist, the most important factor in your lifetime is that of Free Will.

Some are confused at the idea of non-choice.  Some insist that when presented with intolerable situations how can they be held responsible for the outcomes of what occurred?  Were they supposed to die instead of suffering through a situation?  How would death benefit them?

Your societies on earth have made death seem such a tragic event, yet we know that this is not true.  Death is not the end of all there is; death is but a transition out of this dream called Earth Life and a return to the energetic reality of All that Is.  We do not understand why one would choose to make unethical choices or tolerate unethical behavior simply to maintain a status quo or even to gain a “better” lifestyle, but it is not our choice, it is not our decision.  We are here to Support and Guide as we can.

But yes, even a forced non-choice is still a choice.  Subterfuge may be necessary for someone to stay alive, but how can one turn that dishonorable and unethical situation into a beneficial situation?  How can one grow and learn and still be filled with the Light through making selfish choices?  It is the framework of those choices that matter and it is what takes place outside those choices that matter.

Perhaps you turn your back on a bullying situation because you need your job.  Your family depends upon you to provide for them and you know that if you report someone to management the only thing that will happen is you will lose your job.  So – you make a non-choice and look the other way.  That is the action inside of the work environment.  So what do you do after that?  One possible step is to look for another job and then when you leave you leave a report of all that took place.

Maybe, because you saw the other person was hurting, you help the person in some way – such as lightening their work load because you know they must be under tremendous stress.  Perhaps you take them out to lunch as you know their money is short and you pay for both your lunches.  Small things can make a big thing better.  Anonymous help can also provide assistance to those you are not aiding through direct action while not necessarily placing yourself in jeopardy.

So many individuals on the earth plane have succumbed to apathy; instead of just noting an event, step forward and do something about it.  Find your Inner Light and your Inner Voice and USE your Free Will actively – for regardless of what you do or do not do your life is being written by you.  Don’t wake up 20 years down the road in a pity poo poo pile saying “poor me, I hate my life, how did I get here” because YOU are responsible for your choices and your non-choices.  We love you and will support you always, but this is something that is important for you to understand.

Our friend Jeshua has a story he would like to share now to help you understand Free Will better.


In a village, a young mother dies leaving a small, five year old boy alone in the world.  The village is like many others and barely acknowledges the boy or his needs.  He has learned enough to forage food for himself and to start a fire to keep himself alive, but he moves into the woods nearby because the villagers won’t help him at all.  In the woods he can find what he needs and he discovers a small indention in the rocks he calls his “cave”.  Here, he builds his fires and keeps himself warm, and catches rabbits, digs roots, and picks herbs from the plants around him.

The village quickly forgets about his as soon as his sad, dirty face disappears.

Several years later, a man comes to the village seeking the woman and their child.  Discovering that the village has neglected to care for his child after his wife’s death enrages him and he beats the village elder unconscious.

The village turns its back onto the man and rushes to the elder’s side to tend to him.  The man goes out into the woods and slowly hunts the child down.  The child is emaciated, scarred, and wounded from casual and not-so-casual encounters with the local flora and fauna.  He speaks softly to the child of his mother and explains that he is his father, who had been off to war for many years, protecting the village from raiders.  The village had sent him as one of their representatives and the elder had agreed, as compensation for the risk, to look and care after the mother and child until he returned.

He helps his son gather the things he values and tells him that they are going on a long trip but will eventually be living in an environment where he will be cared for properly and taught skills and knowledge that would help him achieve success in the world.

Many years go by.  The boy becomes a man and indeed, becomes successful.  His life in the wilderness alone has receded into a dim memory until one day his father dies.  His father requests that he return his ashes back to the village where he was born so he can rest comfortably with his ancestors.  The young man reflects upon his father’s life and decides he needs to honor his father by returning his ashes to the village.  This trip will mean much discomfort from many weeks of traveling, yet it is important to him to honor the man who raised and cared for him for so many years.  This vibrant, young man from the city is unrecognizable from that sad, little boy they had last seen many years ago.

He gathers some friends and family and asks them to join him on the trip to honor his father.  As he travels, small memories rise to the surface of his mind; laughing with his mother as they foraged for food, watching her sewing rabbit pelts together to make winter clothing, and eventually, watching the light in his mother’s eyes fade as she convulsed on the ground from the wounds her attacker inflicted.

The boy-now-man is racked with grief and wonders if these are true memories or if they are the imaginings of a small child.

He and his party arrive in the village many weeks later.  They are accustomed to camping along the way as the villages are few and the inns to rent a bed are fewer.  The village looks as if it has seen better days in the past and the prosperity dominant in the city they live in not present.

He surveys the village and realizes not only how it has not grown, but that it is actually quite stagnant.  He finds and makes small talk with the village shopkeeper; she has few enough goods to sell but they will need supplies for the return trip and so he purchases what she has available.  They talk about how sad the village is now and how bustling it had been decades past.

He leaves his group outside the village square to find a place to set up for the night while he sets off to complete his task.  Memories flash into his mind.  Memories of them taking his mother’s body away and throwing it into a pit.  Memories of the elder turning his back on the young boy, telling him that he was not welcome in the village.  The young city man becomes unsettled emotionally as he continues his short journey around the village and into the woods.

Eventually he finds his way to the area he had lived in the woods.  There is little to discover there and he has doubts about whether he is in the correct spot.  He sits for a few more minutes, allowing himself some time to remember his younger life and then makes his way to the graveyard to complete the task that brought him there.  Even the graveyard looks decrepit and sad.  He spots an old man sitting in a chair against the wall of a nearby building and approaches him.

He respectfully chats with the man and discovers that the old man tends the graveyard and has done so for almost 40 years.  He has asked for help from the village elder as he has no apprentice and is physically challenged with the tasks nowadays, but sadly he relates the village elder’s refusal that no one has time for the “superstitious nonsense” of honoring one’s family and suggests all bodies should be thrown into a pit to rot instead.

The young city man shakes his head sadly and agrees that some people do not understand that the proper honoring of one’s family is integral to a person’s character.  He then asks about the rough dirt on the other side of the cemetery walls.  The old man explains that the pit is for those of bad character or strangers whose characters they cannot attest to.  Only those known of good character are allowed to be buried in the graveyard.

The young city man returns to the village where he had left his group and finds that a middle aged man has joined them, asking questions about the group and their journey.  He tells the man that they are just passing through on family business and will be leaving in the morning.  He asks the man who he is and the man identifies himself as the village elder.  He elaborates that he has been village elder for over 25 years and relates with relish the story of how the previous elder had been beaten to death by a man with no reason.

The young man from the city well knows the history between his father and the previous elder; when he had reached the age of maturity his father had laid out all the details before him.  He questions the elder closely on the story, looking long into the man’s face as he speaks.

The elder is a loud and boisterous man, who likes to hear his own voice.  He relates with relish that he was made elder while he was 25 years old because he was the previous elder’s kin and most of the men in the village had been killed during the war.  He speaks of his own self importance and how the village would be gone completely if not for him.

He let the man ramble on at length, allowing him to revel in his self-importance as the man from the city waited for the memory niggling at the back of his mind to finally emerge.  As the man slowly ran out of steam, he began to talk.  He told the elder who he was and explained clearly to the man the reason for his visit was to drop off his father’s ashes to his family’s gravesite.  The elder understood finally, who the stranger was and roared at him in outrage.

The majority of the village was paying attention to this exchange.  Old men and women alike came to their doors and windows when the city visitor had started speaking.  Those old enough to have treated the little boy poorly stood with their eyes cast down, afraid to look at the city man who had once been one of their own.  They could see from the city man’s demeanor and dress that he was educated and successful, and if they had treated him kindly he might have been willing to help the village during its time of distress now.

The village elder continued to rant at the man, discounting the agreement the village had made to the young men sent off to war and arguing that no one had harmed him directly.  The city man explained to the elder that he remembered everything that had happened to him all those years ago, including how the village had treated him when he was vulnerable and alone.

Calmly, he stood up and smacked the village elder hard across the face; the village elder flew back and lay stunned on the ground, holding his bloody lip with his hand.

“You lie too much and are rife with dishonor,” said the city man.  He addressed the village in a strong, but quiet voice.  “This ‘elder’ of yours is a liar and a killer.  His father allowed him to stay in the village instead of going with the rest of the young men to fight in the war because he was afraid to lose the son he had spoilt.

Then, once my father was gone, the elder’s son harassed my mother continually, until one night he broke into our small home, abused her, and left her to die.  His father the elder came and dragged my mother’s body out and threw her into the pit to hide his own son’s crimes, and the elder told me to leave as no one will help me.  The elder turned his back multiple times on the agreements of assistance he made with my father.

Eventually my father returned, my father learned the truth of what happened and he meted out the punishment deserved.  Your village elder received the punishment that your entire village earned for being dishonorable and living lies.  His own son, after taking on the mantle of village elder, also has not lived up to the responsibilities inherent with that role and position, and he continues his father’s legacy of being dishonorable and a liar.

And you each share the fault.  Each of you knew about the agreements made.  Each of you turned your eyes away and your backs onto the situation once the men had left for war.  And now you get to live with this village “elder” in a village that is dying – all due to your own choices.  Do not worry – I am not going to do anything further to him or to this village.  You will reap what you have sown – all those many years ago through today.

The young man turned his back on the village and the village elder and left them all to deal with the Truth he had brought into the Light.


In this story there are many instances of choices and non-choices.  We cannot tell you what the ‘correct’ choice is or was because there is no ‘correct’ choice.  There is choice and non-choice and both have ramifications and benefits.

Each person is responsible for their own Free Will choices regardless of what the circumstances are surrounding a situation.  If you believe otherwise, you are lying to yourself.  We will still love you, but the lies you tell yourself are just as damaging as the lies you tell to others.

We beseech you – free yourself from the lies you are telling yourself and embrace the Truth; it may be hard at first, but it gets easier very quickly and it will change your life.

Blessings to you, Beloved Ones.

Developing Trust and Faith in God

Greetings, Beloved Ones,

A recent conversation with a student has prompted us to respond in depth to the questions of Faith and Trust in God.  The concept of having Trust in God is quite complex and has many layers; developing Trust in God is required to actually establish Faith.  Without Trust in God Faith does not exist.

Faith is the embodiment of Trust in God.  At the highest levels of Faith there is no questioning, only action.  Have you ever wondered why the Angelics do not intercede in your life beyond offering love and emotional support?  Why do they not help more actively when they can see humans are having a difficult time?  It is because they have Faith and Trust in God.  God saw every possible action and choice available to you in your lifetime before God allowed you to incarnate into your current form.

Humans have a very hard time from the get go.  You get dropped into a body, it is uncomfortable and cold from the first day, you are helpless to deal with anything going on around you and entirely dependent upon others for everything.  Worst case scenario you end up in a horrible environment…and people wonder how God could do this to them?

God knew what goals and objectives your Higher Self had when the plan was made and God allowed you to come here.  God saw every permutation of every life and every interaction of every life…for all that exists, everything is finite to God.   God saw your life and how it interacted with everything and ok’d it, giving you the opportunity to be here.

There is a saying humans state that God never gives you more than you can handle.  Yet there are many individuals who would disagree and say that if God loved them then God would not let them experience pain.  Humans view everything, including death, as bad or good…never just is.  When you are in a dream do you remember you are asleep or is the dream “everything” to you?

Human reality is just a dream in many ways…a fleeting existence that is valid at the time one is experiencing it, but human death is not the end of all there is, so why would God be worried if someone should die, either through natural means, murder, or suicide?  All return to God in the end…so it is all good.  Why would God shield individuals away from pain?  What stimulus would individuals then have for change and growth?

Yes, it is the experience that is important…not whether something is good or bad, or whether someone feels something is “too much”.  That expression is without meaning…just because someone feels pain does not mean that one has been given “too much”.  Your life situation was created from every choice you ever made.  How many of those choices were taken and made out of greed, selfishness, unwillingness, wantonness, resentment, and other negative emotions developed out of a state of Fear?

When you develop your Faith in God, you start to release Fear and thus are able to heal more easily.  Love is all there is, but if you are in a state of Not-Love then you are in a state of Fear and thus you must reverse the process.  You must release the conditioning that you were raised with to discover that which resonates within you.  By being transparent with what you resonate you will come to a greater understanding of who you are and how you were designed.  Thus, you will have valuable information as you design your path to return to a state of Grace and Love with God.

If you believe that every choice you have made or not made has led you to this place in your life, how would God give you too much?  You created your personal reality and you are living it…and you are each the one responsible for changing that reality as well.  Not God, not the Angelics, and not anyone else.  Just you.  Understand – as long as you stay confused and mixed up emotionally you will always be giving your power away.  By developing a state of Grace and a state of Love you will have a platform to base your life choices upon that is not a state of Fear.

Love is All There Is.  The perception that Love does not exists is Fear and it is a lie.  When you return time and again to the idea that Love is All There Is then you will grow to realize that all this, the images, the politics, the pain, the promises…all are just wisps in the dream you call reality.  How much energy you put into this reality will make it more or make it less real to you.  It does not invalidate your experience – it just means your energy creates the reality you choose.  If you don’t like your reality, it is up to you to change it.  Many don’t because they are either fearful it will be “worse” or they are afraid of some unknown ramification…change scares many, many people.

So, if we return to the knowledge that God ok’d your life, then who are the Angelics to countermand God’s decision and take matters into their own hands?  They are embodiments of Love and Compassion, and have a constant connection with God, thus their Faith has a stronger reason to exist than Humanity does.  Thus they understand that God knows all and understand that this is just one aspect of a larger whole, an experience designed and approved for you to have.

“Why is my life this way?”  This is the basis of your questioning of God.  Even in the “happiest” of lifetimes everyone SHOULD ask this question.  It starts one on the path.  Even those raised in a religious environment should ask this question as it will lead to the path of self-enlightenment and a deeper connection with God.

So – that is the beginning…and the end.  But there is a whole lot in between.  Humans are designed to have emotional depths and complexities, so healing a hurt is not easy – it takes a lot of work and effort and if you think you have healed something then start over, because the chances are you have not.

Human societies used to respect the elders and the wise people of their tribes and communities. Wisdom and maturity were goals that were valued and the individuals in the communities strove for those traits.  Introspection and reflection were daily parts of one’s life and so while some hurts were never healed, the dedicated person would work their way through pain and gain wisdom of the events and grow in that manner.

Trust in God is one of the basic opportunities that all humans have, regardless of how they phrase it or how they define God.    Abandonment is at the root of all lifetimes.  Your connection to God was completely severed when you a small child and that created a lack in your life.  A place that was filled became empty.  In some households that lack will be more apparent than in others.

But the lack exists within each human.  That is the basis of all addictions, the desire for love and companionship, and the desire to inflict pain upon others who seem happier than you…common human patterns of behavior.  The root is the fact that you no longer Trust God, because God abandoned you here…alone and without your memories of what Truly Is…in this human world that is cold and harsh and you know something is missing…something is not right…but over time you bury that sensation in some experience or another.

School, activities, hobbies, family – all these things occupy your mind, but nothing quite ever fills the gap.  When you feeling the failure that is to fill the gap, that feeling in turn feeds into the distrust and unhappiness.  Maybe one’s life is far from filling that gap or maybe one’s life is close to perfect.  It does not matter, really.  The lack is there, present for each person to fill in some way, shape, or form.

Not everyone turns to the Spiritual to fill the gap.  Some turn to food, drugs, alcohol, addictions, manipulation, bitterness, politics…anything where one can get some form of instant satisfaction that buries the gap for even a little while.

The Spiritual Path requires solitude and quiet.  Why?  Because when one is alone by oneself one cannot escape from oneself, one’s choices in life, and one’s perceived ideas of good, bad, happy, or sad.  It provides the opportunity for one to reflect, which can lead to healing and growth.  Not always, as many prefer to wallow in their poo poo pile, but some individuals relish in the solitude that is not aloneness, and they grow and develop in their connection to God.

But the human society does not approve of time spent in solitude.  Your society today has done everything it can to create tools and toys that occupy every waking moment to prevent solitude.  Why? Perhaps because the ego would find itself diminished if one were able to grow beyond needing its approval and existence.  Perhaps because when one heals and grows the Detritus has nothing to feed upon.  Perhaps because those around you are jealous and fearful of anyone who grows beyond their approved status quo.  Perhaps because of these things and more.

Why would anyone or anything struggle to keep from changing a life that is unhappy?  It is the same answer regardless of what it is – FEAR.  Your solution to Fear is the absence of fear which is LOVE. LOVE must be present all the time, in all that you do.  LOVE feeds Gratitude which feeds Hope and Charity for self and others.

These attributes were not just arbitrarily made up – they have a purpose and that purpose is designed to help someone move through the rough terrain of the spiritual path.

When you find Love then you start to heal the mistrust you hold inside against God.  When you can look at your life – all of it, mistakes, shame, fear, all of it! – with understanding of how it was all allowed to take place to take you to a state of Grace, then you will experience Gratitude, another step towards learning to Trust God.

A State of Grace is a place of learning and growth in connection with God.  It is an elevation from your current perspective to one where you have learned from your choices and have healed and grown from those choices.  Misery leads to Grace because humans only respond to negative stimulation.  Thus, Misery leads to opportunities to grow, thus leads to Grace.  Grace is not Gratitude.  Gratitude is not the same thing as Grace.  You can be grateful for many things, but having Gratitude does not mean one has achieved a state of Grace.  When you have achieved a state of Grace, however, you are grateful to all and for all you have gone through.

In its simplest state, Trusting God means viewing with Gratitude the life you have chosen and led as a blessing and not a curse, with the realization that even when you felt isolated and disconnected from God that God was truly there every moment along the way.

The One Rule – Seek Love

Greetings, Beloved Ones.

In each human life, an opportunity is presented for one to view oneself with complete clarity and transparency.  Honesty has a moment to rip away all the curtains shrouding your identity and bare all within to the Light within.

Do not turn away from these moments.  Do not shrink away and cover yourself up.  Take this time to examine yourself closely, warts and all, for this is a gift to you from Spirit, from your Higher Self, from your Guides, and Guardians, and Angels for that which is attached to you will soon rush to deceive you.  That attachment is called the ego.

Your ego has served a useful purpose during your formative years; at times protecting you and at times limiting you.  The time has come to start separating your ego from yourself so that you can stand alone within the Light.

The Creator does not demand perfection; that is ego.

The Creator does not insist upon cleanliness and sterility; that is ego.

The Creator does not back away from that which is considered repulsive or unclean; that is ego.

The Creator does not demand ideology; that is ego.

The Creator Loves All; there is no differentiation amongst all; all are one and all are acceptable to the Creator and all are Loved by the Creator.

But wait; I can hear you now…you were taught this or were taught that…the rules and demands that were taught when you were growing up are rules of man, not the rules of the Creator.  The Creator has only one rule – Love.

Love for humans is very difficult; they don’t understand how encompassing this rule is.  It overwhelms people when they are given this simple, one rule, so they rush to delineate it, to clarify it, to slice and dice it up into smaller pieces…yet in doing so, they have obliterated the one rule – LOVE.

So now, we bring it back to you.  LOVE.  The One Rule, the Only Rule needed to be followed.  When in confusion, seek Love.  When faced with hatred, seek Love.  When cornered and afraid, seek Love.  When loved and in love, seek Love.

What this means is a whole lot of difficulty for you, but the Creator does not worry, for the Creator Loves You.  So you have your whole life to learn this rule, your whole life to live this rule, your whole life to share this rule.

Maybe you have lived a life where you loved this group, but did not love that group.  No matter, there is time for you to learn to Love All.

Maybe you were hurt and are too afraid to Love Anyone?  That’s ok too; Love can heal you and help you learn what Love really means – not just what you were taught or shown it to mean.

Love is more than a singular feeling, more than a word that is said.  Love is complex and glorious and can truly be the entire meaning of your entire life.  Give Love a chance.  Seek Love.  Share Love.  Be Love.  Love is all there is.

Blessings to you.

Accept Your Grace

Greetings Beloved Ones.

Today’s message is about you and how you treat others.  Sometimes, when you are having a bad day, or are scared, or are threatened, or just in a certain place in your life you don’t realize how you treat those in your life.

You control whether someone is in your life.  Let’s take an example of someone who you have in your life, but your relationship is uncomfortable, maybe drama-ridden.  It may be that you weigh the positives and the negatives and feel that the positives are worth someone in your life.  If that is the case, it is your responsibility to accept that person entirely as you have decided to have them in your life, warts and all.  You do not have the right to criticize that person for their choices or for their career or for their friends or for whatever reason you criticize them.  You accept them as they are, with love, knowing that they are doing the best they can do on any given day – just as you are doing the best you can on any given day.

Let’s look inside for a moment.  Look deep inside you and you will find a complex, emotional person who really has little control on the things that happen in your life.  You can only control how you react.  So if you are having a bad day and your 5 year old knocks over the glass with milk in it, do you really feel it is a loving thing to do to scream at them, spank them or put them in the corner, and then blame them for the rest of the night for an accident?  Even if it was on purpose, this is a spiritual being who is still learning to adjust to being in a human body after only 5 years here.  How many years have you been in your body?

We angelics love you – completely and without reservation.  Regardless of your behavior or your choices or your actions we will always love you and we accept you as is.  We want you to look at your definition of love and acceptance and see where you stand.  No, we don’t ask humans to love as we do, but we do ask you to stretch yourself, to grow in Light, and to seek Love instead of conflict.

Many days you ask us for help, for guidance, for assistance.  At those times, we reach out to you, to continuously send you messages of love and hope and help.  Sometimes you may hear us in some fashion and other times you do not.  REMEMBER – WE ARE ALWAYS WITH YOU.  So if you are in a place where you cannot hear or feel us, remember you are loved and accepted by us and we will always be here to support you.

Back to those who are in your life.  Only you can make a determination of whether any person needs to be present in your life.  If someone is toxic and hurtful, you have the right to make the changes to remove that person from your life.  If you are in a situation where you are being hurt or those you love are being hurt, you have the right to do what you can to change that situation.  Just remember – acting impulsively is acting out on your feelings.  Reacting is secondary to analyzing.  Humans have an amazing bandwidth of emotions second to none in the universe.  Sometimes you have a hard time understanding what you are feeling much less controlling your actions in response to those emotions.

We ask you to step back and analyze the situation before acting impulsively.  Why, you ask?  Because when you act impulsively you are not looking at the spiritual being in the body you are reacting to an emotion that body caused you to feel.

Let’s look at an example.  Remember back in time to a place where you were either in school or work and the person in charge of you – teacher or supervisor – belittled you, made fun of your work, was derogatory of your efforts.  Some people would strike out physically in anger in response.  Again, not a best action to choose.  Others will stuff all their hurt emotions inside and ignore it.  That too is not a good idea.  Never suppress emotions as that causes dis-ease and other issues to manifest on the physical level.  It may be because of circumstances that you never get to have an emotionally satisfying response to this person, but there are ways you can process the incident and move forward by using what gifts that came with you into this world.

Who knows what kind of day this person is having.  You don’t know what kind of life they have either.  Stepping back and not taking personally what anyone else says to you or about you is always the first step.  Don’t give your power away – not to strangers, not to friends, not to loved ones.  YOU are the master of your own destiny and you need to keep your own power within your energy fields.

So, look at the source of the situation and step back and say to yourself – I respect you as a spiritual being locked into a human form.  I have difficulties with this some days and I respect that you may be having difficulties with it right now.  I am me and you are you and together we are both on the same journey back to the Creator.  Then, ask your angels and guardians to work with that person’s angels and guardians and surround them with Light.  Ask for that person to be permeated with Love and ask for them to receive that which is needed for their highest and best good.  And wish them well on their path.  Don’t make statements like you hope they get hit by a car and die because that kind of energy you send with that statement will only come back to you as karma.

Yes, it can be excruciatingly difficult to send Love to someone who is cruel and ugly to you, but part of each person’s path is to grow beyond the perceived limitations of their life.  When you can truly SEE that it truly is not about you – how can it be?  They don’t know you! – then you don’t waste your energy on feeding back into that negative energy spiral the person has around them.

Know that the person’s angels and guides are trying to help them right at that second, just as yours are helping you every minute of every day.  “There but for the grace of God I go” is a powerful statement that we wish more people would incorporate into their lives.  Because truly, on any given day it is the Grace you have accepted into your life that keeps you moving forward.

Accept your Grace from God, know that you are Loved and Blessed regardless of how your day is going, and share that Love with those you encounter.  You don’t have to be perfect at it, but as you practice this it will get easier.  And think how wonderful it will be when everyone is practicing this belief and our world transforms around us.

There, but for the Grace of God, go I.

You are loved, Beloved Ones, and you are never alone.


Faith, in the human experience, is not a constant.  It is like the ocean, it ebbs and flows; sometimes it is strong and sure and at other times faith diminishes and doubt takes its place.

This is not “BAD”.  The Angelics do not judge the human experience – only humans judge each other.  Faith, like Love, is a process of discovery for each individual on the human path to Awareness.  Sometimes one’s experiences are so harsh that crises of faith occurs.  This is normal and natural and should not be nay said or discouraged.  Instead, explore that experience.

Only those who truly do not believe in “something” will try to convince you that a crises of faith is “bad”.  They imagine every human experience should be a constant, a wall to withstand the experiences through the time that a human has here.  The opposite is true.  Crises of Faith allows walls, barriers, preconceived ideas and conditioning to be ripped down.  Then, only when those ideas that were preventing the person from moving forward are gone, that person will rediscover what Faith is and what it means to him or her.

No one has a monopoly on faith – not spiritual leaders, not so-called gurus, not the “mom” in the corner store, not your parents, grandparents, or a gifted speaker.  When you judge yourself harshly for your experience you are only hurting yourself and giving your power away.

Trust in the experience, be it an event that makes you question Spirit or an episode of the Dark Night of the Soul.  There is a lesson to be learned in surrendering to Spirit and you should embrace that lesson and use it to grow your faith even deeper.  Even if you develop it in a direction you had not considered before.  Even if you follow your intuition into a ritual or process you had previously considered inconsequential.

There is no one way to re-discover Spirit.  There is no one way to Love Spirit.  And there is no one way to worship the essence that exists within you.

Honor yourself.  Respect your own process.  Be one with the Love of Spirit and allow yourself to transform into that which you and your Higher Self planned for this lifetime.

Love is Within

When one stills the inner and the outer mind and just FEELS within, one can discern the love that exists within. The love that exists within is not an outside entity reaching in, but it is a part of you that is always constant and present. You are never separate from Spirit because you are always a part of Spirit even in human form, but because of the dross of being human you feel separated and alone.

Do not allow this to discourage you, even when you feel disenchanted and bitter. Turn yourself within and allow yourself to uncover the channel of energy that runs through you at all times. Allow yourself to “taste” the love vibration that exists within you and know that it is not the dribble you perceive, but is instead an ocean flowing within you.

Part of the challenge of being human is discovering this connection to spirit and reconnecting it to you on a conscious level. Part of the challenge of reaching that goal is learning to love yourself even though you hate yourself to some degree.

Do not fear – EVERYONE hates his or herself to some degree. All go through the challenge of being honest with themselves before they can begin the challenge of healing and loving themselves and then finding the current of love energy that belongs to spirit within.

It all takes time and no one gets there before they are meant to. No one can do it for you, but remember – you are never alone and help is always there, waiting for you to ask for that help.