Living the Human Experience

Greetings, Beloved Ones.

What is the purpose of being human?  For those who have started on the path to wondering why you came here, allow us to supply you with some things to consider.

In the initial stages of waking up from the mind sleep that the majority still experience, most humans realize that the beliefs and concepts taught to them by their parents, religious establishments, and leaders are incorrect.  Some ideas are realized to be complete fabrications, lies stretched beyond comprehension in an effort to stop questions from occurring within the minds of those who are starting to question.

During this particular stage of the process, many people experience anger and even rage that their parents and those they respected would use them with such ill intent.  It is not Our intention to encourage that anger.  The root of anger is Fear and We do not want you to stay rooted in Fear.  Fear helps no one and in fact, will stop your thinking and analyzing processes.

Instead, We encourage you to feel compassion for those who taught you these things, for the Truth is that few humans are awake and fewer of those have the courage to attempt to stop the machine called indoctrination from moving forward.  The only way it can be stopped is to stop it for yourself.  Look, question, gather facts and information, and allow your experiences to help you along the way.  We Angelics, your Spirit Guides, your High Self, and the Creator all assist you with your life experiences to help provide you with opportunities for you to awaken out of the Human Mind Sleep state.

Now that you have awoken and are looking at your life, please know you are not alone in questioning why you are here.  The human world is chaotic and difficult and emotionally bruising.  It is a place to allow a multitude of experiences for each human from birth to death and each human’s life starts out the same – as an infant.

When your High Self created your Life’s Blueprint, many things were taken into account. Many contracts and agreements were established with soul family members, with other souls with whom you experienced other lifetimes, with the Ascended Masters and the Angelics whose families you would be a part of during this lifetime.  It is no accident that you are exactly as you are – it is part of the design, the result of much great work to create a lifetime of opportunities for you to experience and make choices and experience the result of those choices.

Humans, out of all the Creator’s designs, are blessed with the greatest emotional range and capacity.  No other race or species than humans have the ability to feel the multitude of emotions.  It is considered a great honor when the High Self has a lifetime blessed by the Creator; it is then the High Self’s responsibility to choose a piece of itself to incarnate on this planet for there are many pieces of itself that wish to have this opportunity.

It may seem that there are many humans on this planet today, so of course this is nothing but a common occurrence, but I assure you it is not.  There are a multitude of Souls and High Selves that contribute to the population in the human environment, but that is temporary for this particular human experience.  Many other human experiences have a great number less humans present. Each human lifetime is designed – including the type of human experience needed to add to the High Self, which then adds to the Soul and Over Soul.  These criteria dictate the when and where the human life takes place.

So We circle back to the “why am I here” question.  What is my life purpose?  Each human has many life purposes, many goals, many lessons to learn.  Many lessons are shared lessons, shared with the other humans existing at the same time as you do.  But other lessons are created for your life plan and may be very different from those around you.

Many times humans feel abused, sorry for themselves when they believe their life is not perfect, it is not like the person across the street’s life.  Comparing your life to another’s serves no purpose other than to feed self-pity and victimization.  These are emotions you are capable of feelings, but they will not assist you in growing through your experience, so We encourage you to process through those emotions as quickly as you can and get back on track.

What is your motivation?  Why should you even get out of bed in the morning, We hear you ask?  Each human was provided with a construct, called the Ego, that assists with survival. It was learned during the beginning stages humans required some assistance to survive through the traumas that can occur.  There is no sin in ending one’s life, but it does cut short the purpose of being there and it can incur Karma with those agreements and contracts you were unable to meet or complete.  But still, each human has Free Will and being selfish is a condition the average human exhibits.

So again, what is your life purpose?  In simple terms, to discover who you are.  To discover the TRUE YOU, the one that has been buried by conditioning.  To uncover the You that is the real You instead of the You that was forced into a box a long time ago.  To shed the ideas you believe are Truth and return to a state of questioning, until you resonate with your personal Truth.  Your personal Truth shall set you free; it will allow you to grow and experience and Love, but it takes time.  It takes baby steps along the way, for shedding the norms, the mores, the conditioning of a lifetime takes a lot of work.

So what is your purpose?  To heal.  To uncover your True You.  To Grow.  To discover within you all the wonderful things you were designed to be, to experience, to share.  To rediscover the connection within you to the Creator, for it exists within every human.  To feel joy, love, and gratitude for the gift called Human Experience.

This takes work.  All too often humans want immediate results, instant gratification.  We know that, and all We can do is counsel patience and suggest you seek Wisdom. Wisdom is highly underrated by humans, yet it is the one thing for which each person has a capacity. Not the exact same wisdom, but each person has the capacity as it is essential for personal growth.  Wisdom is the internal teacher, it helps humans to learn from mistakes and to make reasoned choices.  Wisdom allows humans to stay alive, to grow, and to recognize opportunities when they are present.

So, you want to know your Life Purpose?  We Angelics suggest you start with the most basic of lessons – uncover the True You from under the conditioned You.  Examine everything – every thought you have, every belief you possess, every idea that tells you who you are.  And when you think you are done, start again.  For the Truth is, everyone around is just like you.  There are no differences other than superficial ones.  No one is “more special” or “better” or “perfect” because the reality you live in is a construct designed to provide an experience.  And the participants in that experience come from the same spiritual essence that created your reality.

So, where you think you are better than others, examine that closely.  Where you think you are worse off than others, examine that closely too.  Examine everything and then, when you have done that twice over ask again why you might be having the human experience.

You have much to gain by this work.  Spiritual Growth is not for the fainthearted, fortitude is required.  Dig within yourself and We Angelics, your Guides, High Self, Spirit, and the Creator will all be supporting you with Love and Joy.

We are here with you always through your human experience.  Call upon Us and allow Us to assist you as We can, for We Love You unconditionally.

We Love You Always

Greetings Beloved Ones!

We greet you with Light and Love and ask you to receive now the Highest Vibration of Love the Angelics can send to you, through the blessings and Grace of the Creator.

We were approached this week with the denouncement that it is a lie that everything happens for a reason.  The thought frame behind the decision it was a lie was that if the Creator truly loved everyone he/she would not allow pain and suffering to happen.

We have touched before on this thought frame, but We angelics would like to address it again. Human life is not designed to be “paradise”.  You left a state of love and joy to come to the earth plane for an experience of relatively short duration to experience all emotions and experience many different opportunities.  Sometimes these opportunities are viewed negatively, as they may cause one to feel sensations and emotions that, through a particular perspective, are viewed as pain.

The Creator gave humans on this plane of existence the opportunity to feel the most extensive range of emotions of all the lifeforms the Creator brought into life.  The Creator views these emotions as a blessing – not a curse and not a punishment.

When your life leads you into a path where you may suffer pain on the physical or emotional level, this does not mean that you “deserved to be hurt”; and it certainly does not mean that you should choose the path of the victim.  Emotions should be honored and each person should allow themselves time to process the emotional and physical situation that one finds oneself in.  But there is a difference between processing and wallowing.

Some humans have a tendency to wallow in their experience, never pulling themselves out of their pity poo poo pile and looking at their life and situation with the eyes of clarity.  Humans create their own reality and thus everything does happen for a reason.  It just may be a reason that is not immediately clear to the one experiencing the situation.

Many times we Angelics are called upon for assistance to obtain this or that.  Many times it is for us to find a way to funnel wealth, success, and love to people.  Of course, We don’t do this because it is not our place to change one’s life.  We provide love and support to you each, of course, and we always help provide the energy for you to make change happen in your life – but we will never do it for you.

If you have a guide who says they can make it happen, please call upon my brother Michael to rid yourself of the demon attached to you.

Many times humans experience loss, betrayal, and pain because another human has decided to act in a way that results in a way one would not choose.  If one shifts his or her perspective to accept that each person has the right to live his or her life as they choose and not strictly to benefit one, it is easier to accept the changes that happen easily and effortlessly.

Undo attachment upon other’s choices and other’s lives impact your ability to live your life to the fullest ability.  Each human should focus their love of their own life through meditation and use the energy to manifest that which is in their highest and best good in their life.  Yes, change will happen as a result, but when the dust settles you will find that you are in a much happier place as you will be in alignment with your higher self and your blueprint for this lifetime.

Remember – all change is not shouldered alone.  We angelics are here for you during all your days and nights.  You are never alone and when you feel fearful or anxious, call upon us and we will surround you with the love and support we can provide.

Take a moment now, while reading these words, and do just that.  Close your eyes and call upon your angelics, guides, and guardians to surround you with the love and light of the Creator.  Breathe the love and light in and allow it to ease your anxiety, ease your suffering, ease your loneliness.  You are not alone and you are not unloved.

Change is never insurmountable.  Sometimes extreme discomfort is required because you have entrenched yourself into your life ‘as is’ and you need a ‘rude awakening’ moment to help you realize that you are not living your life in alignment with the Creator and your higher self.

When you find yourself shifting into a place of self pity, remember you are not alone.  We are here with you.  Call upon us to help you during this time.  We can help you shift your perspective and help you see the patterns of your life that you live that create negative events.  The Angelics will never lock you into a place of suffering – you put yourself into that place of suffering.  We Angelics are here to help you shift out of that dark place and into a place of love and light.

Always remember we are here for you at all times but most especially when your life feels dark and desolate.  Regardless of what else you may feel or hear we NEVER desert you.  You must reach through the walls of pain to us and we will meet you as soon as you open your mind to the idea that we are there.  Regardless of what you are experiencing – pain, depression, suicidal thoughts, inflicting pain upon yourself – we are here.  And we love you just as you are and we love you for all that you can be.  We will never give up on you and we will provide you with the shelter available to you through the love of the Creator.

And if you are having a wonderful life we are also here with you.  We love you – regardless of the life you experience, always.

Blessings to you!

Be the Light and Face of Love

Greetings, Beloved Ones.

The time of seasonal change is upon you, and I wanted to share a message regarding change.  Many things change in the human environment.  The weather, schools, jobs, decor, friends, partners, and yourself.  You yourself are at the root of all change for it is your Free Will that creates your reality and your choices and your non-choices instigate change.

One thing that does not change is the Love of the Creator.  The Creator Loves you regardless of your clothes, hair, career, friends, or family.  The Creator Loves you regardless of what your choices and your non-choices are.  The Love of the Creator is the only Constant in this Universe and regardless of where you are, what you do, where you go and what you choose nothing can change that.

Humans all too frequently have idealized concepts of Love.  Love is everlasting, Love is exciting, Love is Calm and Peaceful, Love is this or that.  Regardless of how you feel about yourself or your newest special friend, the Creator Loves you.  We Angelics Love you.

We ask you to reach inside yourself and feel the Love we have for you and for you to extend that Love to yourself.  Take this moment, right now, and allow that Love to move through you.  Let the Love heal old wounds and release the things which do not belong with you any longer to the Light.  Free yourself from the things that bind you to a place of unhappiness, regret, and misery.  The things in the past that affected you helped you create the person you are today; they helped create the reality you exist in today.  For all that is behind you has created the person the Creator Loved and continues to Love.

It is time to Love yourself, “faults and defects” and everything else mixed up together in the wonderful being that you are.

Being on the earth plane may feel like a punishment; it may feel as if you are serving an unending cycle of servitude, but please stop thinking that way.  Your incarnation on this plane of existence is NOT a punishment.  Your Higher Self planned it and you agreed to it with joy and anticipation.  Life on the earth plane can be very challenging, very stimulating, very trying even – but you came here because of the opportunity of experience and growth.

Allow yourself to grow now, within the Love of the Creator, and allow yourself to move past the perceived failures.  Let those “failures” become moments of experience that have prompted you to become a better person, a kinder person, a person who has empathy for those in similar circumstances.  Allow yourself to grow higher in vibration by absorbing in the Love of the Creator.

As you grow higher in vibration, your ability to commune more with the Creator will increase and you will be able to absorb more Love and increase the opportunity to repeat this process.  Allow the Creator to Love you and allow yourself to Love yourself.  No one on the earth plane is perfect and no one is meant to be perfect.  Perfection is not the end game, not the goal at the end.  Growth is the goal and many experiences are still in front of you to prompt this growth.

Focus now on the Love that is surrounding you, filling you, freeing you from the chains you create in your mind.  Allow the Love to lower the barricades you have placed around you.  This will not make you vulnerable, no!  Instead it allows you to receive more Love in different ways.  As you Love yourself more, you realize that everyone has a job in this world and it is not your job to judge them or to judge yourself.  Your job, right now, at this moment, is to Love.

Become the Love of the Creator personified.  Allow the Love to Flow through you and into all that you meet today, whether you greet that person face to face, over the telephone, or electronically.  Allow the Love to flow from you to touch all those who Need the Love of the Creator in their Lives.  Be the Face of Love so to give Hope to those who have forgotten what Hope is.

Shine your Light brightly this day, Beloved Ones.

We are with you always.

Love is All There Is

Greetings Beloved Ones!

Today is a day of great hope, joy, and celebration for you are soon to be entering a time of opportunity.  Release your fears and allow the Love of the Universe to flow deeply into you, freeing you from the tyranny of the hurts and wounds accumulated over time.  Heal through the Vibration of the Universe accessible to you while you read these words.  Read them as many times as needed to stimulate the Healing needed by you.

Love is a complex thing in the Human World; in the energetic reality of our existence it is All That Is.  The Universe is but One and We are Each part of that One.  The only separation you experience is an illusion created to allow you the life you live as a human.

Realize that the people who surround you are not different from you, they are a part of you.  Indeed, you are a part of them.  We are all part of the Universal and as such we are all made from Love and return to Love in all realities, all forms, regardless of the choices made while human or other incarnated form, for Spirit Loves ALL.

Love one another in as many ways as possible while honoring each other’s life path and Free Will choices.  Share the Love you hold within you with those in your life – don’t withhold it or parse it out as if it were the most precious of metals.  Love IS the most precious thing in your reality and the more you share it, the more it will return to you.

Allow the Love of the Universe to shine through you, allow it to blind those around you, to encompass your etheric bodies and auras and to flood from your eyes as you look around you and gaze upon all in your world.

Love binds all of Spirit’s creations and creatures, large and small, and Love heals all the wounds that exist within.  Take the blessing that is included in this email and heal yourself and allow those around you to heal as well.  Cast down your doubts and fears and allow your true essence to flow into being.

Trust in Spirit, for the Universe Loves you Unconditionally, Absolutely.

Blessings to you this day, Beloved Ones.  Blessings to you this day.

What are the Hallmarks of Your Integrity and Spiritual Ethics?

Greetings, Beloved Ones!

Twice today we have had questions posed to Us of a similar nature which We will attempt to answer. We asked our Avatar to look up some human definitions for us that are below.

The questions themselves had to deal with the nature of integrity and ethics and when someone else claims to want to provide assistance to you.  How does one know when there is only genuineness and not an agenda hidden away from view?  Understanding the hallmarks of integrity, especially within the realm of spiritual ethics is incredibly important.  First, though – what are the hallmarks of your integrity?

The Webster-Mirriam defines the following as:
Integrity:  firm adherence to a code of especially moral values.
Hallmark: a mark or device placed or stamped on an article of trade to indicate origin, purity, or genuineness.

So, the hallmarks of integrity are the ways one exhibits the highest standards of moral values.  We believe that those who choose the Spiritual path have discovered that integrity is of vital importance to this path – both to oneself and to others.  We also believe that those who seek to help others should also know that high integrity is important – both to helping those indicated as well to developing the trust of those who may be watching.  Trust can also be lost when someone has behaved in a way that betrays the claim of ethical standards.

We in the Angelic realm know that humans do not see others as the Angelics do, We know you cannot see within the heart of another and know whether their intentions are pure or not.  Many on the earth plane use their sensitivity to determine whether or not to accept someone’s aid and most of the time We would say this would be one correct step of several that could be taken.  But one should never accept any person’s word on blind faith.  Most humans We encounter take much effort to persuade that We are real and that We love them.  We accept this as part of the process as humans have each had experiences where trust does not come easily.

There is one situation where We find that Trust comes a little too easily to you – when you are hearing something that pleases you.  If you hear someone say something that echos a belief you hold within you, many of you will drop your doors and invite the stranger into your life, into your world, into your mind, and into your heart without ever double-checking their integrity.

Gnothi Seauton – KNOW THYSELF

We think this is an excellent opportunity for you to review a simple question – what are the hallmarks of YOUR personal integrity?  While it is not necessary for those in your life to be echos of who you are, for high degrees of trust you must know yourself to know if someone else is in alignment with your beliefs.  Otherwise the relationship you build with that person will collapse within a short time.

If you cannot define who you are or what values you hold dear, how will you ever know if someone you meet truly has your highest and best good as their intentions?  Is that not why people want others in their lives – to be valued and appreciated?  People don’t want to be used or mislead, deceived, or tricked – they want to be liked and loved for their unique self.  The Angelics will always love you, regardless of who you are or what you do.  Humans are different and people raised in similar situations can hold different ethical standards dear.  So, let’s put some ideas for consideration out there for you to consider.

What are the hallmarks of integrity and spiritual ethics?  An spiritually ethical person will always:

*respect for others’ boundaries, Free Will choices, and privacy,
*ask express permission to seek Guidance or Information about that person,
*be as honest as possible in all forms of communication,
*stop what they are doing if it hurts or harms another, and
*take action to correct what they have done that caused hurt or harm another.

There are others, but let’s explore the ones listed above now.

Respect is important in all situations.  What are one’s personal boundaries? In some cases it make take a while to determine what another’s boundaries are, but one can always communicate with that person in a kind and respectful manner to determine their comfort level.  Many people do not like physical touch.  Do you brush aside their discomfort and touch or hug them any way?  Do you ask them their thoughts and allow them the time they need to respond to your questions?  Do you respect their response to your questions and not try to persuade them that you are correct if you disagree with them?  Many times people express sympathy or pity for a person whose life is different than their own. We ask that you do not feel these things, but instead Honor the person and their Free Will choices that led them to where they are now.

Each person on the earth plane has the right to make their own Free Will choices and they alone have the ability to shape and change their reality.  Respect them for those choices and allow them compassion where warranted, but do not pity them for pity is a negative emotion that expresses self-satisfaction and arrogance.  Those are not exactly traits of a spiritual person, hmm?

Everyone has the right to not answer questions they don’t want to.  Just because you may see yourself in the role of advisor or spiritual guru does not mean you can ask any question you choose. Even in performing an authorized session with the person you receive guidance to ask them specific questions they have the Free Will right to NOT ANSWER.  Respect that choice for you would not want your right to make your own choices taken away from you.

Ask express permission to seek Guidance or Information about that person – what does this mean? This means that no matter how clearly you communicate with your guides you don’t have the right to dig and dive into someone else’s life if they have not given you express permission to do so, even if they are friends or family.  Everyone has the right to privacy and just because they may not know how to shield themselves does not mean you have the right to thrust yourself upon that person and “share” information received.  If you don’t feel comfortable asking the person for permission to get information for them then why are you looking?  If you think the person would say no to the question then mind your own business.  Again, it is a matter of respecting another’s Free Will and having respect for yourself.

Be as honest as possible in all forms of communication.  Most people understand that honesty is important, but this is specifically important for practitioners who do sessions on others.  If you don’t have crystal clear communication and have to interpret a message, give the client the least amount of your interpretation and the most amount of what you see/hear/sense.  Allow the client the respect to interpret the message and then, if they ask for your help, then provide assistance.  Don’t assume you understand best for the client.  Your job is to provide an avenue to better understanding because their gifts are not as clear as yours.  Don’t assume you understand better than the client what the message truly is because every message you receive goes through your filters, not the client’s.

Stop what you are doing if it hurts or harms another.  This should be easily understood to most people, but because of one of the questions asked we are going to elucidate.  Let us suppose you are going to hold a meditation and Reiki session with a group of four individuals.  During the meditation, one of the group declares that they sense the angelics are present and the group all says, “wonderful”.  Later, a different member says that the presence of one of the member’s mother is in the room.  That person says, “ok, I am fine with her being here.”  The meditation continues and then the Reiki session begins.

During the Reiki session, a group member says to the person on the table, “I sense an Ascended Master is here and wants to give you a gift,” and the person on the table says, “Who is it?”  What do you do now?  Disrupt the session and explain who you think the Ascended Master?  Just expect the person on the table to absorb your belief about the situation and go on with it?  Tell the Ascended Master that they will have to wait to give the gift until the person understands who they are?  Ask the Ascended Master to clearly identify what the gift is they want to give and what strings are attached to it?

We would recommend that an Intention is set prior to any energy work or healing session, clearly identifying who is energetically welcome to participate in the session.  This way everyone is going into the session with a clear understanding of who may show up and that they welcome those with energetic blessings.

Take action to correct what hurt or harm was done by you; perhaps you told someone that an energy being was present but that person truly did not understand what that meant.  Is it your responsibility to do anything about that?  Yes, it is.  You pushed through your own agenda of having that energy being present without respect to the other person and his/her free will choices.  The harm may merely be that they never trust you again, but are you deserving of trust if you withheld information from them?  If there is an energy being present and you tell that energy being that the person with you does not understand and that it would not be ethical for the energy being to continue, that energy being is itself not ethical if it does not withdraw from the session.  Which should then be an indicator of whether that energy being is worthy of trust.

Beloved Ones, We Angelics love you and always will.  You may stumble or fall during your life, but We will always be there to support you and help you up again.  Sometimes the hardest lessons of all are when you must admit you have failed another person.  This may bruise your ego somewhat, but admitting you hurt or harmed another person, whatever the intention was, may indeed help that person get to a place of safety. You would not want to be the person who transmitted something detrimental to the other because you believed something was magical and special and did not want to ruin the moment by asking the other his or her permission, would you?

Light Beings that are 100% of the Light, 100% in alignment with each participants’ highest and best good will understand and respect that each person has a free will choice, even if that free will choice is to reject the offering of the Light Being.

We have presented a lot to consider and We are sincere in our desire for you to take some amount of time and think about your personal integrity and your spiritual ethics.  We want only the best for your highest and best good, but we respect your right to choose as you understand that you will live with the karmic repercussions of your choices.

Blessings to you, Beloved Ones, on this day.  Remember you are the Children of the Creator and of Light and go and seek forth the Light Within.

We love and support you.

Giving Away Your Power Is Not Good

Greetings, Beloved Ones.

When you sit in contemplation today, look closely at your life.  All that you are and all that you have and do is a result of your personal choices and non-choices.  You are surrounded by the creation of your reality and it is a lovely thing.  Even if you don’t like your life, change is imminent should you choose a different choice now.  Few beings possess such control over their life and as such free will is important to your life.

There are many beings that exist outside of the earth realm; many are Light Beings who have ascended from their own realities and are on a path to help others gain knowledge and to grow beyond their limitations.  There are others, though, who have merely surpassed the technology and construction that surrounds their and your realities.  When you encounter these beings, many try to pass themselves off as higher beings, portraying their intentions to you as them merely trying to help you help yourself or to help humanity grow.

It is helpful for you to understand that discernment is very important as many of you are quite open to the suggestion that there are those “out there” who want to help.  Discernment is not judgment, but it will provide you with a basis to make a decision.

Do these beings offer help or advice or are they merely providing emotional support?
Light Beings 100% in Alignment with your Highest and Best Good and 100% in Alignment with the Creator in Alignment with the Creator will not tell you what to do and will not try to make you behave in any way.  Respect for Free Will is paramount and any being that tries to convince you to take any course of action is not a Being of Light in Alignment with the Creator.

Do these beings say they are coming in to raise the vibration of the planet to help you?
The earth plane was created by the Creator and you inhabit the earth plane because your Higher Self chose this lifetime for you.  Many things that are taking place on the earth right now are stimuli to help individuals grow.  If someone says they are coming in to raise the vibration or to help humanity get past a certain “point”, ask is that not like cheating on a test?  If the point of the stimuli is to give people a kick in the pants to help them become Aware, is not accepting someone else to take on the responsibility of change actually giving them your own power and you taking a back seat?

There are many forms of detritus that exist on this plane of existence right now; they have been built into the “system” to help humanity grow and expand the consciousness.  Many of them are quite good at lying, telling people exactly what they want to hear, and they can project emotions that make them seem sincere and truthful.  But within a short period of time the suggestions and ideas from these detrimental entities turn from good into bad and extracting yourself becomes quite difficult. Sometimes the price you pay for making those decisions is extremely high and can cost you family, friends, and your life even.

It is not our intention to tell you what to do in these scenarios.  Our intention is only to place the idea of discernment forward and center so that you have something to balance against encouragement from an outside source.  Always, always, always look at the motivations behind any suggestion. Light Beings 100% in Alignment with your Highest and Best Good and 100% in Alignment with the Creator will not suggest actions, they respect a person’s Free Will.  So, if a purported Being of Light suggests you take an action, think twice.  If they suggest an action that benefits you but takes away from someone else, think carefully about why you are engaging in conversation with this Being.

Do you really think a Light Beings 100% in Alignment with your Highest and Best Good and 100% in Alignment with the Creator would really encourage you do to something that would harm anyone in any way?

If something benefits you but requires you give your power to them, do you really think a Light Beings 100% in Alignment with your Highest and Best Good and 100% in Alignment with the Creator would suggest that?

Remember – this is your incarnation, your lifetime to experience and even should you choose to do either of the above, Light Beings 100% in alignment with your Highest and Best Good and 100% alignment with the Creator will not try to stop you.  We Love you and Support you regardless of what action you take or do not take.  We will never tell you what to do or not do because each of you has Free Will and we want you to live your life in accordance with that Free Will.  We will not stop you from giving away your Personal Power and we will not think less of you for doing so.  Our Love is Unconditional, Unswerving, and Unending and we will be here with you always.

Living One’s Life with Free Will

Greetings Beloved Ones,

We have touched upon the topic of Free Will previously, but we are going to address the concept again as it is a very important idea that cannot be understood too deeply.

Free Will is the intrinsic right of each being on the earth plane to make choices or non-choices as the person decides.  Each lifetime is written and directed by the choices or non-choices made by the individual and that person bears the responsibility of the choices and non-choices made.

One brings many different things into each lifetime.  Each lifetime is different; one’s higher self develops the blue print for this lifetime and so different factors affect each lifetime.  Whatever those factors are, whatever goals for learning and growth and enlightenment may exist, the most important factor in your lifetime is that of Free Will.

Some are confused at the idea of non-choice.  Some insist that when presented with intolerable situations how can they be held responsible for the outcomes of what occurred?  Were they supposed to die instead of suffering through a situation?  How would death benefit them?

Your societies on earth have made death seem such a tragic event, yet we know that this is not true.  Death is not the end of all there is; death is but a transition out of this dream called Earth Life and a return to the energetic reality of All that Is.  We do not understand why one would choose to make unethical choices or tolerate unethical behavior simply to maintain a status quo or even to gain a “better” lifestyle, but it is not our choice, it is not our decision.  We are here to Support and Guide as we can.

But yes, even a forced non-choice is still a choice.  Subterfuge may be necessary for someone to stay alive, but how can one turn that dishonorable and unethical situation into a beneficial situation?  How can one grow and learn and still be filled with the Light through making selfish choices?  It is the framework of those choices that matter and it is what takes place outside those choices that matter.

Perhaps you turn your back on a bullying situation because you need your job.  Your family depends upon you to provide for them and you know that if you report someone to management the only thing that will happen is you will lose your job.  So – you make a non-choice and look the other way.  That is the action inside of the work environment.  So what do you do after that?  One possible step is to look for another job and then when you leave you leave a report of all that took place.

Maybe, because you saw the other person was hurting, you help the person in some way – such as lightening their work load because you know they must be under tremendous stress.  Perhaps you take them out to lunch as you know their money is short and you pay for both your lunches.  Small things can make a big thing better.  Anonymous help can also provide assistance to those you are not aiding through direct action while not necessarily placing yourself in jeopardy.

So many individuals on the earth plane have succumbed to apathy; instead of just noting an event, step forward and do something about it.  Find your Inner Light and your Inner Voice and USE your Free Will actively – for regardless of what you do or do not do your life is being written by you.  Don’t wake up 20 years down the road in a pity poo poo pile saying “poor me, I hate my life, how did I get here” because YOU are responsible for your choices and your non-choices.  We love you and will support you always, but this is something that is important for you to understand.

Our friend Jeshua has a story he would like to share now to help you understand Free Will better.


In a village, a young mother dies leaving a small, five year old boy alone in the world.  The village is like many others and barely acknowledges the boy or his needs.  He has learned enough to forage food for himself and to start a fire to keep himself alive, but he moves into the woods nearby because the villagers won’t help him at all.  In the woods he can find what he needs and he discovers a small indention in the rocks he calls his “cave”.  Here, he builds his fires and keeps himself warm, and catches rabbits, digs roots, and picks herbs from the plants around him.

The village quickly forgets about his as soon as his sad, dirty face disappears.

Several years later, a man comes to the village seeking the woman and their child.  Discovering that the village has neglected to care for his child after his wife’s death enrages him and he beats the village elder unconscious.

The village turns its back onto the man and rushes to the elder’s side to tend to him.  The man goes out into the woods and slowly hunts the child down.  The child is emaciated, scarred, and wounded from casual and not-so-casual encounters with the local flora and fauna.  He speaks softly to the child of his mother and explains that he is his father, who had been off to war for many years, protecting the village from raiders.  The village had sent him as one of their representatives and the elder had agreed, as compensation for the risk, to look and care after the mother and child until he returned.

He helps his son gather the things he values and tells him that they are going on a long trip but will eventually be living in an environment where he will be cared for properly and taught skills and knowledge that would help him achieve success in the world.

Many years go by.  The boy becomes a man and indeed, becomes successful.  His life in the wilderness alone has receded into a dim memory until one day his father dies.  His father requests that he return his ashes back to the village where he was born so he can rest comfortably with his ancestors.  The young man reflects upon his father’s life and decides he needs to honor his father by returning his ashes to the village.  This trip will mean much discomfort from many weeks of traveling, yet it is important to him to honor the man who raised and cared for him for so many years.  This vibrant, young man from the city is unrecognizable from that sad, little boy they had last seen many years ago.

He gathers some friends and family and asks them to join him on the trip to honor his father.  As he travels, small memories rise to the surface of his mind; laughing with his mother as they foraged for food, watching her sewing rabbit pelts together to make winter clothing, and eventually, watching the light in his mother’s eyes fade as she convulsed on the ground from the wounds her attacker inflicted.

The boy-now-man is racked with grief and wonders if these are true memories or if they are the imaginings of a small child.

He and his party arrive in the village many weeks later.  They are accustomed to camping along the way as the villages are few and the inns to rent a bed are fewer.  The village looks as if it has seen better days in the past and the prosperity dominant in the city they live in not present.

He surveys the village and realizes not only how it has not grown, but that it is actually quite stagnant.  He finds and makes small talk with the village shopkeeper; she has few enough goods to sell but they will need supplies for the return trip and so he purchases what she has available.  They talk about how sad the village is now and how bustling it had been decades past.

He leaves his group outside the village square to find a place to set up for the night while he sets off to complete his task.  Memories flash into his mind.  Memories of them taking his mother’s body away and throwing it into a pit.  Memories of the elder turning his back on the young boy, telling him that he was not welcome in the village.  The young city man becomes unsettled emotionally as he continues his short journey around the village and into the woods.

Eventually he finds his way to the area he had lived in the woods.  There is little to discover there and he has doubts about whether he is in the correct spot.  He sits for a few more minutes, allowing himself some time to remember his younger life and then makes his way to the graveyard to complete the task that brought him there.  Even the graveyard looks decrepit and sad.  He spots an old man sitting in a chair against the wall of a nearby building and approaches him.

He respectfully chats with the man and discovers that the old man tends the graveyard and has done so for almost 40 years.  He has asked for help from the village elder as he has no apprentice and is physically challenged with the tasks nowadays, but sadly he relates the village elder’s refusal that no one has time for the “superstitious nonsense” of honoring one’s family and suggests all bodies should be thrown into a pit to rot instead.

The young city man shakes his head sadly and agrees that some people do not understand that the proper honoring of one’s family is integral to a person’s character.  He then asks about the rough dirt on the other side of the cemetery walls.  The old man explains that the pit is for those of bad character or strangers whose characters they cannot attest to.  Only those known of good character are allowed to be buried in the graveyard.

The young city man returns to the village where he had left his group and finds that a middle aged man has joined them, asking questions about the group and their journey.  He tells the man that they are just passing through on family business and will be leaving in the morning.  He asks the man who he is and the man identifies himself as the village elder.  He elaborates that he has been village elder for over 25 years and relates with relish the story of how the previous elder had been beaten to death by a man with no reason.

The young man from the city well knows the history between his father and the previous elder; when he had reached the age of maturity his father had laid out all the details before him.  He questions the elder closely on the story, looking long into the man’s face as he speaks.

The elder is a loud and boisterous man, who likes to hear his own voice.  He relates with relish that he was made elder while he was 25 years old because he was the previous elder’s kin and most of the men in the village had been killed during the war.  He speaks of his own self importance and how the village would be gone completely if not for him.

He let the man ramble on at length, allowing him to revel in his self-importance as the man from the city waited for the memory niggling at the back of his mind to finally emerge.  As the man slowly ran out of steam, he began to talk.  He told the elder who he was and explained clearly to the man the reason for his visit was to drop off his father’s ashes to his family’s gravesite.  The elder understood finally, who the stranger was and roared at him in outrage.

The majority of the village was paying attention to this exchange.  Old men and women alike came to their doors and windows when the city visitor had started speaking.  Those old enough to have treated the little boy poorly stood with their eyes cast down, afraid to look at the city man who had once been one of their own.  They could see from the city man’s demeanor and dress that he was educated and successful, and if they had treated him kindly he might have been willing to help the village during its time of distress now.

The village elder continued to rant at the man, discounting the agreement the village had made to the young men sent off to war and arguing that no one had harmed him directly.  The city man explained to the elder that he remembered everything that had happened to him all those years ago, including how the village had treated him when he was vulnerable and alone.

Calmly, he stood up and smacked the village elder hard across the face; the village elder flew back and lay stunned on the ground, holding his bloody lip with his hand.

“You lie too much and are rife with dishonor,” said the city man.  He addressed the village in a strong, but quiet voice.  “This ‘elder’ of yours is a liar and a killer.  His father allowed him to stay in the village instead of going with the rest of the young men to fight in the war because he was afraid to lose the son he had spoilt.

Then, once my father was gone, the elder’s son harassed my mother continually, until one night he broke into our small home, abused her, and left her to die.  His father the elder came and dragged my mother’s body out and threw her into the pit to hide his own son’s crimes, and the elder told me to leave as no one will help me.  The elder turned his back multiple times on the agreements of assistance he made with my father.

Eventually my father returned, my father learned the truth of what happened and he meted out the punishment deserved.  Your village elder received the punishment that your entire village earned for being dishonorable and living lies.  His own son, after taking on the mantle of village elder, also has not lived up to the responsibilities inherent with that role and position, and he continues his father’s legacy of being dishonorable and a liar.

And you each share the fault.  Each of you knew about the agreements made.  Each of you turned your eyes away and your backs onto the situation once the men had left for war.  And now you get to live with this village “elder” in a village that is dying – all due to your own choices.  Do not worry – I am not going to do anything further to him or to this village.  You will reap what you have sown – all those many years ago through today.

The young man turned his back on the village and the village elder and left them all to deal with the Truth he had brought into the Light.


In this story there are many instances of choices and non-choices.  We cannot tell you what the ‘correct’ choice is or was because there is no ‘correct’ choice.  There is choice and non-choice and both have ramifications and benefits.

Each person is responsible for their own Free Will choices regardless of what the circumstances are surrounding a situation.  If you believe otherwise, you are lying to yourself.  We will still love you, but the lies you tell yourself are just as damaging as the lies you tell to others.

We beseech you – free yourself from the lies you are telling yourself and embrace the Truth; it may be hard at first, but it gets easier very quickly and it will change your life.

Blessings to you, Beloved Ones.

Why am I not being aided as I requested?

Greetings Beloved Ones,

The Angelics hear your pleas for assistance when you make them and we always send you the energies of Light, Love, and Strength to help you through all situations you find yourself in so that you can choose you actions.  Many times, however, you are swaddled in pain and anger and don’t always think about the choices you make or have made.

We want to help you understand why you don’t always get your prayers answered in the manner you are requesting.

Understand that the Light Beings, the Angelics, and your Higher Self all understand completely what your blueprint for this lifetime is.  We understand the hopes, dreams, and desires that you wanted to accomplish while on the earth plane and we will never, ever go against that plan.  The Truth of the matter is simple, though it may seem complex and convoluted to you.  Every choice and non-choice you have made is a reflection of free will.  Every choice and non-choice you have made has created the life you live and has brought you to this moment in your life.

We do not see any of this as “bad”.  Bad and good are human designations and are entirely dependent upon the perspective of the individual living their human experience.  We of the Light respect your right to make any and all choices, regardless of whether it is “good” or “bad” for you.  If you choose a life filled with self-destructive choices We will honor you for it.  If you choose a life making logical and reasoned choices We will honor you for it.  If you sit and hide in your home and refuse to make any choice at all We will honor you for it.

It is not our place to judge how you live your life or the choices and non-choices you make while living it.  We will not judge you after it is over either.  This is your human experience and We Love You completely, entirely, and unconditionally.

What happens when choices or non-choices you make lead to something you designate as “bad” or “undesirable”?  We Love You and send you Light, Love, and Strength to help you do as you choose.

Unfortunately, many individuals sink into a state of emotional turbulence and reject the energy that is sent to them as they cycle down in their poo poo piles (as my Avatar calls it).  And We of the Light honor and respect the choice to reject the energy.

We will never force you to do anything because it is not Our place to do so.  This is YOUR life.  Your life is a result of Your Free Will.  No one can change your life but You.  And We provide you with the strength to do so – if you accept it, it is there.

So, below are a few guidelines to help you understand why your prayers are not always answered as you want them to be answered.

1.  Your Angelics, Light Beings, Higher Self, Guardians, etc. all work together for your Highest and Best Good in alignment with your blueprint, your life plan which was established before you were born into the body you currently reside in.

2.  Just because you are miserable does not mean the Light will do anything to alleviate the situation or make it better.  The Light honors every choice you make – including those that make you miserable or choices that allow you to stay in situations that are not in your highest and best good.
3.  You are ultimately responsible for your choices and non-choices through the Truth of Free Will and these are what determine and create the life you live and We of the Light respect that and will not interfere with your choices.
So, even though you may be consciously asking for assistance to remove or heal something, if it is not in your highest and best good for any Light Being to take action then they won’t.
Yes, you may feel that you are trying to change a situation, but it may be that you are not yet at the point you need to be for the Light to lend more substantial assistance, that you have not taken the actions necessary to trigger their help, or it may be that the lesson itself has not yet appeared or been experienced.  Many times individuals feel they have reached the “end of their rope” and “cannot take another thing”, yet that does not translate into the individual taking action to make a change in their life.  You might detest the situation you are in, you may feel hopeless or bound to a situation, but you are the only person who can make a change in your life.
Humans can definitely get caught up in their emotional state – this is one of the wonderful things about being human – the emotional state!  The Truth, however, is that sometimes humans have to go through something terrible to learn something as part of their Life Plan.  Humans will unconsciously make free will choices to ensure that the experience happens because it is written into their blueprint.  One’s Higher Self will also bring about situations and circumstances to ensure that experience so you have the opportunity to grow and learn from it.
But take heart – once the lesson has been learned options and opportunities will arise out of nowhere to assist you with making new free will choices…or non-choices.  This is our gift to you – assistance that just appears and which can change your life in an extremely short period of time.  To accept a choice and make a change in your life is your free will…to reject a choice and make a non-action and keep your life is your free will.
We know that what we have state above may make some individuals unhappy or even discontented.  Having the human experience was never meant to be easy or carefree.  Unfortunately, many individuals were raised with concepts and ideas of the way your reality is that are completely out of sync with the Truth.  We are in the process of writing a guide e-book to provide information to assist you to help yourself.  The Truths presented in the e-book will be options for you to accept or reject based off your resonance to what is presented.
Remember!  We will never tell you what to do – we Love you and honor your right to Free Will, and will be with you always!
Blessings to you, Beloved Ones.

Relationships and Unconditional Love

Greetings, Beloved Ones.

A question was posed to us recently:  how can I best love unconditionally while seeing the humanity in that person?

To love unconditionally is not a normal human state of being.  Humans love, but in passionate and diverse ways.  And most individuals, when they decide they love someone, are actually interpreting a particular emotion as love, instead of it truly being love.

Again, human love is very conditional – even the love of parent for offspring can be very unconditional.  When you look at what the job is of a parent – to raise a child from birth to adult in a manner that is healthy, teaches values in alignment with society, and which prepares that child to take its place in society as a functioning adult – it is amazing when it is successful and usually tragic when it is not.

But even then, when the child has become an adult and is contributing to society in a meaningful way, parents refuse to let go.  They make demands that their child continue to be in their life, to continue the traditions they raised the child in, and in turn demand that the child care for the adults.  All in all, throughout the process of this lifetime, there are conditions that are demanded of the child to coerce and manipulate the child into becoming what is deemed “appropriate” to the parents’ standards.

If that child should balk at doing what it is instructed, if the child should become the “black sheep” by running off and doing his or her own “thing”, then see indeed how conditional that love truly is.  But how else is a child going to become a contributor to the society if one does not force it into the society’s patterns of behavior?  Interesting question, yes?  How can the adult raising the child respect the child and all that the child is – potentials, intelligence, personality, gifts – without crushing the child in the process of taming that child to society’s standards.

Let’s examine a romantic love relationship.  You have individual A and you have individual B.  They meet, get to know each other, and decide they want their connection to get further entwined.  But A has emotional baggage from A’s life and B has emotional baggage from B’s life and that does not always work together – exactly the opposite in some cases.  So what to do?  Disengage and move away from each other?  Many people will do just that and others will stay put.  What is the correct action to take?  Well, that depends on each person.

Love is a complex emotion for humans because of the conditions each puts upon love.  Some feel they are giving a gift to the other person and if B does not treat A’s love as the end of all there is then A feels neglected and hurtful.  B feels that having told A that B loves A in the past means B does not have to repeat it multiple times every day.  A’s feelings are hurt because B does not do what A wants B to do.  B feels disrespected because A does not believe B loves A.

So messy.  And so unnecessary.  A is projecting A’s issues onto B and B is projecting B’s issues onto A.

To truly love anyone, the individual must love his or her self.  And to love anyone else unconditionally you must love yourself unconditionally.  But how often is that a reality?  How often do you judge yourself harshly for something you did?  How often do you wish you had done X instead of Y?  How often do you berate yourself for something nonsensical that you perceive as being so important?

Until you can accept yourself unconditionally you will not be able to accept anyone else unconditionally; you will continue to project your wounds and weaknesses onto every interaction you have with your loved ones until you rip the love you have for that person to bits.

Now that we have probably answered your question in a way you were not expecting, let us tell you that it is possible to heal yourself and to learn to love yourself unconditionally.  This is the one love affair that you should never stop working on your entire life – the one with yourself.

As you work on this relationship with yourself, you will find the warts and the baggage and the negative emotions and past history within yourself that you have buried away.  And you will heal yourself of that baggage and thus release yourself from the chains of judgement and disrespect, possibly of self-hatred and self-despising.\

Along the way you will encounter individuals to love – for that is part of the human process.  And this love will take many forms – love for family members, love for friends, love for lovers.  And you can work to share this love with those others while constantly being alert and sensitive to the wounds ever present within you.  Why?  So that you don’t project your wounds onto the other person and their actions and choices.

This is where respect for Free Will comes into play.  If you don’t acknowledge that each individual has the right to make their free will choices then you will constantly be trying to force that person to live within a box of your own making, created by you out of judgement.  When you acknowledge that your free will is equal to the other person exercising his or her free will then you have taken a step forward.

Why?  Because unconditional love exists when others make free will choices that may negatively affect you or your life.  A loves B, but B decides to take B’s savings and go hiking through the Amazon for a year.  Maybe B has been telling A that this is B’s heart’s desire but A feels that paying the bills is more important.  B goes anyway, leaving A to deal with the aftermath.

If A loved B unconditionally then A would acknowledge B’s right to do the trip to the Amazon. A would also recognize A’s right to make free will choices that are in A’s highest and best good.  A would not bad mouth B’s decisions but would instead live their life making choices based upon that unconditional love and not out of hurt, spite, pain, remorse, anger, etc.  So when B comes back – now what?  If B loves A unconditionally then B contacts A to see where A is to discover the changes A made and if A and B are both willing to continue in a love relationship.

Many people would call B’s actions selfish and immature; they would say A was hard suffering and deserved to have someone “better” in A’s life.  But if people saw the situation framed in unconditional love, then they would understand that all is perfect.  Love is not a commodity to be parsed out sparingly, with a high price tag.  Love is the emotion that makes human life possible and when it is shared unconditionally and unstintingly then each person will live their life in accordance with his or her highest and best good, regardless of how it affects others.

Warning – the various societies around the planet are not accepting of this type of behavior, so regardless of whether A can love B unconditionally is liable to strike terror into the collective consciousness of that society which will then work unilaterally to destroy any concept of unconditional love.

But – that’s the challenge, isn’t it?  Every time, when you the individual stretch the boundaries of your societal norms those around you react on an unconscious level.  But that does not mean you stop – it means you keep pushing forward – if the choices are in your highest and best good they will happen easily and effortlessly.

Human love is complex because humans make it complex.  Unconditional love is very simple, but difficult to attain.  It is not meant to be impossible, though.

You are loved, at all times, unconditionally.  Blessings to you.

If Only…..

Greetings Beloved Ones.

If only my boss would…

If only my mother would…

If only my children would…

My life would be happy if only…

If only.

If this phrase begins any of your sentences or exists in your thoughts this Message is for you.  The mirage of control affects many humans in a variety of forms and formats, but when you try to control another human being you are not respecting that person’s right to free will.  Granted, if you are raising small children then it is your responsibility to keep them safe and to teach them right from wrong as your society dictates.

But when you believe that if someone would only behave a certain way or do certain things the way you think they should, then the problem is not the other person – it is YOU.  Yes, the other person is certainly not perfect, but you cannot go through life trying to make anyone other than you change.  The only person you can change is yourself.  How has that gotten you so far in this lifetime?

We angelics are around you and are sending you love and support at all times.  We want you to make the changes in your life and to your life that will allow you to become the person you wanted to become when you and your Higher Self designed this lifetime for you.  We will help you find the strength that exists within you to say goodbye to people and habits that are not what you want and we will be beside you when you walk into the new places you want to find and explore.

You may say to yourself that you love someone and that if they really loved you they would stop behaving in such a way or they would do X instead of Y.  We say to you that this thought process is not love.  It is hope mixed with control issues which leads to manipulation of people and situations and leads only to unhappiness, both for you and the other person as well as anyone else caught in the backlash.

It does not matter if the other person is a parent, a child, a partner, a friend, a co-worker or someone for whom you might feel caring and affection.  The who does not matter because the common denominator is you and you are where change has to start and finish.

You are a being of Light that chose to incarnate into this human plane and you are surrounded by others who chose to come here as well, but they came with different life plans and different lessons and so their lives are different from yours – sometimes extremely different.

There are several ways this message can go, but the message we want to impart here today is that you do not love yourself when you look to change others.  Others will reflect an image to you that you do not like and so you want to change them, but the true image starts inside of you and others are just reflecting it back to you.  Start looking within yourself to make changes to heal yourself, to learn to love yourself, and make those changes throughout your life so that you can live the life you wanted to live.

The financially richest person in the human plane can live a life void of love and care and the financially poorest individual can be blessed with an abundance of love and experiences, while most people fall in between.  When you pray to the Creator for financial abundance and your prayer is not answered, do you doubt the existence of the Creator?  The next time you do not receive what you want, look inside for you have not asked for the correct item.

Look inside and have a conversation with your Higher Self.  The ability exists within each person to communicate with their Higher Self, their angels, and the Creator.  Start with your Higher Self and ask, “Am I living my life in alignment with my plans?  Am I living my life the way I wanted it to be?  What do I need to change to be truly living in alignment?”  When you life in alignment with your life plan you will be filled with happiness because there is no room for strife.

It may take some time practicing meditation to hear/feel the answer to your questions, but these are excellent questions to ask yourself at any time you are confused about your thoughts, feelings, situations, or actions.

Your Higher Self loves you as you are a piece of it, designed to have experiences on the Earth Plane.  Not one human was designed to have a “perfect life” as humans think of it – a life without pain, discomfort, hurt emotions, physical trauma, poverty or financial abundance.  Each human experience has its own challenges and when you spend time saying “if only” you are diminishing your life experiences as well as whomever you are saying it about.  Even the person living on the street begging for coins has made many choices in his or her life.  To feel pity, sympathy, or disgust for that person is to denigrate them and their right to live own their life.  Instead, feel compassion and love, knowing that this person is living out the power that belongs to them – to live a life of Free Will choices.

Each life is filled with choices.  But when someone makes a decision based off what they want others to think of them or what they should do, that is not a choice in alignment with your higher self.  Even if it seems the right thing to do, it is not the right decision for you.  The right decision for you is when you feel inside that the decision is correct by resonating within you.

Each human fools themselves into thinking they are making correct decisions because they were raised a certain way to believe this or that.  Part of becoming who you were meant to become is to question your beliefs and ideas to see if they are truly YOURS or if they are just ones you accepted because you were raised that way or because someone you loved believed them.  The gift of Free Will is a precious gift that every human possesses.

Do not give away your right, your power to make Free Will choices in your life.  You may find that the decisions you choose may not be popular with others, but when they resonate within you they will lead you to the life you ought to be living, not the life you keep telling yourself “if only’s” about.

When you live your life with Free Will you can experience a rich life with diverse experiences and blessings in many forms.  Do not take away any one else’s right to live his or her Free Will and give yourself the blessing of living your own life through your Free Will.  We angelics are here to support you and we love you beyond human measure and will share our love for you with you whenever you ask.

Angelics allow you to experience whatever you choose to experience in the human plane, even if you do not choose to make Free Will decisions.  We will be here with you every day until you pass from this plane back to the Creator.  You are always Loved.  Take that knowledge and learn to love yourself today, little bit by little bit.  We will be here with you, every step of the way.

Blessings to you.