Be the Light and Face of Love

Greetings, Beloved Ones.

The time of seasonal change is upon you, and I wanted to share a message regarding change.  Many things change in the human environment.  The weather, schools, jobs, decor, friends, partners, and yourself.  You yourself are at the root of all change for it is your Free Will that creates your reality and your choices and your non-choices instigate change.

One thing that does not change is the Love of the Creator.  The Creator Loves you regardless of your clothes, hair, career, friends, or family.  The Creator Loves you regardless of what your choices and your non-choices are.  The Love of the Creator is the only Constant in this Universe and regardless of where you are, what you do, where you go and what you choose nothing can change that.

Humans all too frequently have idealized concepts of Love.  Love is everlasting, Love is exciting, Love is Calm and Peaceful, Love is this or that.  Regardless of how you feel about yourself or your newest special friend, the Creator Loves you.  We Angelics Love you.

We ask you to reach inside yourself and feel the Love we have for you and for you to extend that Love to yourself.  Take this moment, right now, and allow that Love to move through you.  Let the Love heal old wounds and release the things which do not belong with you any longer to the Light.  Free yourself from the things that bind you to a place of unhappiness, regret, and misery.  The things in the past that affected you helped you create the person you are today; they helped create the reality you exist in today.  For all that is behind you has created the person the Creator Loved and continues to Love.

It is time to Love yourself, “faults and defects” and everything else mixed up together in the wonderful being that you are.

Being on the earth plane may feel like a punishment; it may feel as if you are serving an unending cycle of servitude, but please stop thinking that way.  Your incarnation on this plane of existence is NOT a punishment.  Your Higher Self planned it and you agreed to it with joy and anticipation.  Life on the earth plane can be very challenging, very stimulating, very trying even – but you came here because of the opportunity of experience and growth.

Allow yourself to grow now, within the Love of the Creator, and allow yourself to move past the perceived failures.  Let those “failures” become moments of experience that have prompted you to become a better person, a kinder person, a person who has empathy for those in similar circumstances.  Allow yourself to grow higher in vibration by absorbing in the Love of the Creator.

As you grow higher in vibration, your ability to commune more with the Creator will increase and you will be able to absorb more Love and increase the opportunity to repeat this process.  Allow the Creator to Love you and allow yourself to Love yourself.  No one on the earth plane is perfect and no one is meant to be perfect.  Perfection is not the end game, not the goal at the end.  Growth is the goal and many experiences are still in front of you to prompt this growth.

Focus now on the Love that is surrounding you, filling you, freeing you from the chains you create in your mind.  Allow the Love to lower the barricades you have placed around you.  This will not make you vulnerable, no!  Instead it allows you to receive more Love in different ways.  As you Love yourself more, you realize that everyone has a job in this world and it is not your job to judge them or to judge yourself.  Your job, right now, at this moment, is to Love.

Become the Love of the Creator personified.  Allow the Love to Flow through you and into all that you meet today, whether you greet that person face to face, over the telephone, or electronically.  Allow the Love to flow from you to touch all those who Need the Love of the Creator in their Lives.  Be the Face of Love so to give Hope to those who have forgotten what Hope is.

Shine your Light brightly this day, Beloved Ones.

We are with you always.

The One Rule – Seek Love

Greetings, Beloved Ones.

In each human life, an opportunity is presented for one to view oneself with complete clarity and transparency.  Honesty has a moment to rip away all the curtains shrouding your identity and bare all within to the Light within.

Do not turn away from these moments.  Do not shrink away and cover yourself up.  Take this time to examine yourself closely, warts and all, for this is a gift to you from Spirit, from your Higher Self, from your Guides, and Guardians, and Angels for that which is attached to you will soon rush to deceive you.  That attachment is called the ego.

Your ego has served a useful purpose during your formative years; at times protecting you and at times limiting you.  The time has come to start separating your ego from yourself so that you can stand alone within the Light.

The Creator does not demand perfection; that is ego.

The Creator does not insist upon cleanliness and sterility; that is ego.

The Creator does not back away from that which is considered repulsive or unclean; that is ego.

The Creator does not demand ideology; that is ego.

The Creator Loves All; there is no differentiation amongst all; all are one and all are acceptable to the Creator and all are Loved by the Creator.

But wait; I can hear you now…you were taught this or were taught that…the rules and demands that were taught when you were growing up are rules of man, not the rules of the Creator.  The Creator has only one rule – Love.

Love for humans is very difficult; they don’t understand how encompassing this rule is.  It overwhelms people when they are given this simple, one rule, so they rush to delineate it, to clarify it, to slice and dice it up into smaller pieces…yet in doing so, they have obliterated the one rule – LOVE.

So now, we bring it back to you.  LOVE.  The One Rule, the Only Rule needed to be followed.  When in confusion, seek Love.  When faced with hatred, seek Love.  When cornered and afraid, seek Love.  When loved and in love, seek Love.

What this means is a whole lot of difficulty for you, but the Creator does not worry, for the Creator Loves You.  So you have your whole life to learn this rule, your whole life to live this rule, your whole life to share this rule.

Maybe you have lived a life where you loved this group, but did not love that group.  No matter, there is time for you to learn to Love All.

Maybe you were hurt and are too afraid to Love Anyone?  That’s ok too; Love can heal you and help you learn what Love really means – not just what you were taught or shown it to mean.

Love is more than a singular feeling, more than a word that is said.  Love is complex and glorious and can truly be the entire meaning of your entire life.  Give Love a chance.  Seek Love.  Share Love.  Be Love.  Love is all there is.

Blessings to you.

Reaching out to the Love of the Divine

Greetings, beloved ones.

So often, translating the energy that is the natural expression for the angelics into human forms of communication leaves gaps in understanding.  We don’t have separate words for things – we share a connection just as we connect to the All That Is. Words create separation between humans and so we do not prefer to start communicating with words.  The most common method of reaching out to humans is through emotion.

As previously mentioned, we send love and hope all the time to you.  But we also send a variety of other positive emotions.  Sometimes we will help you by assisting with your grounding process and developing a deeper sense of calm within you.  Sometimes we will “nudge” you to look here or go there – usually because we have something in mind for your highest and best good to experience.

On that note, we do want to reiterate that just because something you deem is unpleasant happens does not mean that you are being punished or that you have been misled or abandoned by the angelics.  What it does mean is that sometimes something significant has to happen to provide you with an opportunity for growth.  Because humans live through their emotions, many times for you to break a negative pattern of behavior something must impact you emotionally.  

Now, if this does not sound like what you were raised with believing, we want you to examine who taught you these beliefs about angelics.  We angelics encourage you to return to Spirit through yourself – because each human has a direct connection to Spirit.  Sometimes you reach a point in your life where you reach out spontaneously and reconnect  instinctively.  For some this is true, yet for many others it will not happen this way.  

My point is this – stop judging.   Stop judging!  Do not judge yourself or your experience for you have created your own reality and you CAN change it if you want to.  It may not happen overnight, but don’t worry about that!  If you feel a loving emotion outside of you that does not have a physical point of connection do NOT dismiss it.  It may very well be one of your angels or guides or guardians holding you in an embrace.  Do not count yourself as “crazy” – thank yourself for allowing yourself to feel and soak in the love vibration.  

Only “crazy” people will push away love, yes?  🙂  And the vibration of Love from the Divine has no equal anywhere.  

Now, we do not say invite anything and everything into you – that is stupid.  There are many detrimental energies out there and to invite them in will only lead to trouble.  Instead, be selective and only invite that which has the energy signature of the angelics.  If you cannot tell the difference, then look at your situation.  Are you vulnerable and seeking “anything” that would “help” you?  Or, are you in a place where help is offered without your asking for it.  If it is the latter, then there is a chance it is of the Light.  

If you can, take the time and meditate on the situation and ask for clarity, but most importantly wait for an answer that the vibration is of the Light.

If you do not have time to meditate on it, push it away, banish it, denounce it, and then meditate when you can.  Do not accept anything in that is not attuned to the Light.  Angelics don’t go away in a huff or act punitively or punishingly.  We will always be with you and you won’t hurt our feelings because we always know what you are feeling.  This is not the time or place to talk about the detrimental beings that would behave differently in this situation, but trust us when we say that they do exist and you should always protect yourself in every situation.

My brother Michael has provided my human avatar some protection mantras as the realm of demons and detritus is his purview, and we will try to post those protection mantras on this website in the upcoming days.  Please, read them and use them every day.  Protecting yourself is ALWAYS the right thing to do.

Now, back to today’s message.  Learning to develop your intuition and sensitivities is vital to communicating on a deeper level with the archangels.  Using discernment and stepping away from judgement will allow you the opportunity to experience the Love of the Divine on a more conscious level.  It is a practice that everyone should have on a daily basis.

We ask, when you are ready, to take yourself to your place of peace and talk to your guides, guardians, and angels of Light.  Tell them that you want their help in discerning the Love of the Divine and that you want to build a better relationship with those of the Light who are 100% present for your highest and best good.  Nothing less than 100% will do!  Those beings are the ones sent by the Divine who want to help you rediscover the Creator.  By developing a conscious practice you will help create positive behaviors that will allow the angelics and those of the Light the method to reach you more directly.

Blessings to you all.




Faith, in the human experience, is not a constant.  It is like the ocean, it ebbs and flows; sometimes it is strong and sure and at other times faith diminishes and doubt takes its place.

This is not “BAD”.  The Angelics do not judge the human experience – only humans judge each other.  Faith, like Love, is a process of discovery for each individual on the human path to Awareness.  Sometimes one’s experiences are so harsh that crises of faith occurs.  This is normal and natural and should not be nay said or discouraged.  Instead, explore that experience.

Only those who truly do not believe in “something” will try to convince you that a crises of faith is “bad”.  They imagine every human experience should be a constant, a wall to withstand the experiences through the time that a human has here.  The opposite is true.  Crises of Faith allows walls, barriers, preconceived ideas and conditioning to be ripped down.  Then, only when those ideas that were preventing the person from moving forward are gone, that person will rediscover what Faith is and what it means to him or her.

No one has a monopoly on faith – not spiritual leaders, not so-called gurus, not the “mom” in the corner store, not your parents, grandparents, or a gifted speaker.  When you judge yourself harshly for your experience you are only hurting yourself and giving your power away.

Trust in the experience, be it an event that makes you question Spirit or an episode of the Dark Night of the Soul.  There is a lesson to be learned in surrendering to Spirit and you should embrace that lesson and use it to grow your faith even deeper.  Even if you develop it in a direction you had not considered before.  Even if you follow your intuition into a ritual or process you had previously considered inconsequential.

There is no one way to re-discover Spirit.  There is no one way to Love Spirit.  And there is no one way to worship the essence that exists within you.

Honor yourself.  Respect your own process.  Be one with the Love of Spirit and allow yourself to transform into that which you and your Higher Self planned for this lifetime.