When Change is Scary

Greetings, Beloved Ones.

Bitterness, resentment, and envy are all emotions based from the fear of lack.  Humans envy someone whom they perceive as having what they themselves desire.  Resentment builds towards those who humans feel have something that they themselves are entitled to.  Bitterness erupts from situations where the perception of “should” was paramount in the mind of the holder.  “I should have received that promotion” or “I should have been born rich” are two typical statements We Angelics here a lot.

Should is an ugly word for humans; it creates division instead of togetherness.  It represents entitlement instead of humbleness.  It is a viewpoint of judgment instead of compassion.

When you are incarnated into the human form, there is no “should”.  There are lots of possibilities and very few guarantees, though, which will help to provide opportunity to you via the choices you make.  Many life experiences do not have free will, yet humans have free will and waste it prodigiously with regrets, resentments, and self hatred.

It is time for you to step back away from these poorly conceived ideas in your mind and realize the one Truth that you live by – you are having a human experience and that experience is created by you – by your choices, by your actions, and by your non-actions.

Only you can change the life you are living, so if you are miserable then it is up to you to make the choices to change it.  Even if you end up temporarily in an uncertain situation, is that not better than being miserable?  How long are you going to be miserable before you take the action to change your circumstances?

The first action humans should take is this – look inside.  Quiet your mind and ask within you for help, for guidance.  These things are present always within you – from your High Self, from your Guides, and from your Angelics.  We all work as a Team to help you through this life experience, but when you are not receptive and not open to Us or Our Messages, then you are cutting yourself off from Love and Support to help you through.

If you still do not feel or hear anything, then we suggest you look carefully at your situation and make plans to change it.  Are you residing somewhere that is painful to you? If so, find a way to make a change.  Look up resources outside of your family if you must, for they exist.  You are not looking for them, but they are there.

Ask for help – it exists. You are not the first person to experience what you are experiencing and you do not deserve to stay in a place of misery.  You have to be your own advocate.  Yes, it may very well be scary.  We know this, and We are here for you.  We will share Our Love for you with you, so remember you are Loved.  You are worthy of living a good life – We know this even if you do not.

Living in a comfortable situation while you are unhappy is still being miserable.  Do not look at what “others have” compared to what you have.  Do not look upon others as “more fortunate” or “lucky” to have what they have.  You only see the outer shell of their life – not their whole life. They could be miserable and staying put because they are afraid if they leave their comfortable home they will not have a comfortable home again.

Yet We say to you – they are not happy, so what good is a comfortable home when you are miserable?  Better to be living in a not-so-nice place and be happy with yourself than living in comfort with someone you do not respect, someone who does not respect you, and which you daily endure hurts – physical, emotional, or mental.

Fear is the only thing holding you back.  The opposite of Fear is Love.  And Love is everywhere you look for it – you only have to be open to receiving for it to be present.  You are Loved and where there is Love and Life, there is Hope for change.  Not from others – never from others. Hope exists within you, FOR YOU.  You are the one to change – not anyone else.  Know that regardless of how daunting it is, there is a way for you to change your life.  Be not afraid, for We are with you at all times.  Call upon Us and We will feed our strength into you.

Do not believe the Lies told to you.  Not the lies told to you by others that you are unlovable or unworthy of love; not the lies that you will never be able to make it on your own or that you are too stupid to do anything right.  These lies are told to you by those who wish to manipulate you into staying put, because you make their life better.  They do not make your life better – you make their life better.  So make the changes necessary because you deserve to have a life where you are making your own life better.

These lies come from many sources – your family members, your mate/partner, your friends, and even inside your own head.  For all too long you have listened and believed these lies so they echo within you.  Set them aside and believe US now – you are Loved. You are worthy. You will be JUST FINE at the end because you are making choices for yourself, for you to be happy.

You are Loved.  We are here with you, Beloved Ones.  Change can be large or small.  Even changes that seem insignificant can have great impact upon you and your life.  Do what you need to make these changes and set your fear aside.  Life does not have to be about hate and conflict, pain and manipulation, force and dominance.  Life is about choice and it is time for you to choose yourself above any other, for only when you help yourself can you help the others in your life.  Choose you.

You are Loved.  Call upon us, Beloved, and We will flood you with Love and Support always.

We Love you unconditionally.

We Love You Always

Greetings Beloved Ones!

We greet you with Light and Love and ask you to receive now the Highest Vibration of Love the Angelics can send to you, through the blessings and Grace of the Creator.

We were approached this week with the denouncement that it is a lie that everything happens for a reason.  The thought frame behind the decision it was a lie was that if the Creator truly loved everyone he/she would not allow pain and suffering to happen.

We have touched before on this thought frame, but We angelics would like to address it again. Human life is not designed to be “paradise”.  You left a state of love and joy to come to the earth plane for an experience of relatively short duration to experience all emotions and experience many different opportunities.  Sometimes these opportunities are viewed negatively, as they may cause one to feel sensations and emotions that, through a particular perspective, are viewed as pain.

The Creator gave humans on this plane of existence the opportunity to feel the most extensive range of emotions of all the lifeforms the Creator brought into life.  The Creator views these emotions as a blessing – not a curse and not a punishment.

When your life leads you into a path where you may suffer pain on the physical or emotional level, this does not mean that you “deserved to be hurt”; and it certainly does not mean that you should choose the path of the victim.  Emotions should be honored and each person should allow themselves time to process the emotional and physical situation that one finds oneself in.  But there is a difference between processing and wallowing.

Some humans have a tendency to wallow in their experience, never pulling themselves out of their pity poo poo pile and looking at their life and situation with the eyes of clarity.  Humans create their own reality and thus everything does happen for a reason.  It just may be a reason that is not immediately clear to the one experiencing the situation.

Many times we Angelics are called upon for assistance to obtain this or that.  Many times it is for us to find a way to funnel wealth, success, and love to people.  Of course, We don’t do this because it is not our place to change one’s life.  We provide love and support to you each, of course, and we always help provide the energy for you to make change happen in your life – but we will never do it for you.

If you have a guide who says they can make it happen, please call upon my brother Michael to rid yourself of the demon attached to you.

Many times humans experience loss, betrayal, and pain because another human has decided to act in a way that results in a way one would not choose.  If one shifts his or her perspective to accept that each person has the right to live his or her life as they choose and not strictly to benefit one, it is easier to accept the changes that happen easily and effortlessly.

Undo attachment upon other’s choices and other’s lives impact your ability to live your life to the fullest ability.  Each human should focus their love of their own life through meditation and use the energy to manifest that which is in their highest and best good in their life.  Yes, change will happen as a result, but when the dust settles you will find that you are in a much happier place as you will be in alignment with your higher self and your blueprint for this lifetime.

Remember – all change is not shouldered alone.  We angelics are here for you during all your days and nights.  You are never alone and when you feel fearful or anxious, call upon us and we will surround you with the love and support we can provide.

Take a moment now, while reading these words, and do just that.  Close your eyes and call upon your angelics, guides, and guardians to surround you with the love and light of the Creator.  Breathe the love and light in and allow it to ease your anxiety, ease your suffering, ease your loneliness.  You are not alone and you are not unloved.

Change is never insurmountable.  Sometimes extreme discomfort is required because you have entrenched yourself into your life ‘as is’ and you need a ‘rude awakening’ moment to help you realize that you are not living your life in alignment with the Creator and your higher self.

When you find yourself shifting into a place of self pity, remember you are not alone.  We are here with you.  Call upon us to help you during this time.  We can help you shift your perspective and help you see the patterns of your life that you live that create negative events.  The Angelics will never lock you into a place of suffering – you put yourself into that place of suffering.  We Angelics are here to help you shift out of that dark place and into a place of love and light.

Always remember we are here for you at all times but most especially when your life feels dark and desolate.  Regardless of what else you may feel or hear we NEVER desert you.  You must reach through the walls of pain to us and we will meet you as soon as you open your mind to the idea that we are there.  Regardless of what you are experiencing – pain, depression, suicidal thoughts, inflicting pain upon yourself – we are here.  And we love you just as you are and we love you for all that you can be.  We will never give up on you and we will provide you with the shelter available to you through the love of the Creator.

And if you are having a wonderful life we are also here with you.  We love you – regardless of the life you experience, always.

Blessings to you!

Be the Light and Face of Love

Greetings, Beloved Ones.

The time of seasonal change is upon you, and I wanted to share a message regarding change.  Many things change in the human environment.  The weather, schools, jobs, decor, friends, partners, and yourself.  You yourself are at the root of all change for it is your Free Will that creates your reality and your choices and your non-choices instigate change.

One thing that does not change is the Love of the Creator.  The Creator Loves you regardless of your clothes, hair, career, friends, or family.  The Creator Loves you regardless of what your choices and your non-choices are.  The Love of the Creator is the only Constant in this Universe and regardless of where you are, what you do, where you go and what you choose nothing can change that.

Humans all too frequently have idealized concepts of Love.  Love is everlasting, Love is exciting, Love is Calm and Peaceful, Love is this or that.  Regardless of how you feel about yourself or your newest special friend, the Creator Loves you.  We Angelics Love you.

We ask you to reach inside yourself and feel the Love we have for you and for you to extend that Love to yourself.  Take this moment, right now, and allow that Love to move through you.  Let the Love heal old wounds and release the things which do not belong with you any longer to the Light.  Free yourself from the things that bind you to a place of unhappiness, regret, and misery.  The things in the past that affected you helped you create the person you are today; they helped create the reality you exist in today.  For all that is behind you has created the person the Creator Loved and continues to Love.

It is time to Love yourself, “faults and defects” and everything else mixed up together in the wonderful being that you are.

Being on the earth plane may feel like a punishment; it may feel as if you are serving an unending cycle of servitude, but please stop thinking that way.  Your incarnation on this plane of existence is NOT a punishment.  Your Higher Self planned it and you agreed to it with joy and anticipation.  Life on the earth plane can be very challenging, very stimulating, very trying even – but you came here because of the opportunity of experience and growth.

Allow yourself to grow now, within the Love of the Creator, and allow yourself to move past the perceived failures.  Let those “failures” become moments of experience that have prompted you to become a better person, a kinder person, a person who has empathy for those in similar circumstances.  Allow yourself to grow higher in vibration by absorbing in the Love of the Creator.

As you grow higher in vibration, your ability to commune more with the Creator will increase and you will be able to absorb more Love and increase the opportunity to repeat this process.  Allow the Creator to Love you and allow yourself to Love yourself.  No one on the earth plane is perfect and no one is meant to be perfect.  Perfection is not the end game, not the goal at the end.  Growth is the goal and many experiences are still in front of you to prompt this growth.

Focus now on the Love that is surrounding you, filling you, freeing you from the chains you create in your mind.  Allow the Love to lower the barricades you have placed around you.  This will not make you vulnerable, no!  Instead it allows you to receive more Love in different ways.  As you Love yourself more, you realize that everyone has a job in this world and it is not your job to judge them or to judge yourself.  Your job, right now, at this moment, is to Love.

Become the Love of the Creator personified.  Allow the Love to Flow through you and into all that you meet today, whether you greet that person face to face, over the telephone, or electronically.  Allow the Love to flow from you to touch all those who Need the Love of the Creator in their Lives.  Be the Face of Love so to give Hope to those who have forgotten what Hope is.

Shine your Light brightly this day, Beloved Ones.

We are with you always.

Developing Trust and Faith in God

Greetings, Beloved Ones,

A recent conversation with a student has prompted us to respond in depth to the questions of Faith and Trust in God.  The concept of having Trust in God is quite complex and has many layers; developing Trust in God is required to actually establish Faith.  Without Trust in God Faith does not exist.

Faith is the embodiment of Trust in God.  At the highest levels of Faith there is no questioning, only action.  Have you ever wondered why the Angelics do not intercede in your life beyond offering love and emotional support?  Why do they not help more actively when they can see humans are having a difficult time?  It is because they have Faith and Trust in God.  God saw every possible action and choice available to you in your lifetime before God allowed you to incarnate into your current form.

Humans have a very hard time from the get go.  You get dropped into a body, it is uncomfortable and cold from the first day, you are helpless to deal with anything going on around you and entirely dependent upon others for everything.  Worst case scenario you end up in a horrible environment…and people wonder how God could do this to them?

God knew what goals and objectives your Higher Self had when the plan was made and God allowed you to come here.  God saw every permutation of every life and every interaction of every life…for all that exists, everything is finite to God.   God saw your life and how it interacted with everything and ok’d it, giving you the opportunity to be here.

There is a saying humans state that God never gives you more than you can handle.  Yet there are many individuals who would disagree and say that if God loved them then God would not let them experience pain.  Humans view everything, including death, as bad or good…never just is.  When you are in a dream do you remember you are asleep or is the dream “everything” to you?

Human reality is just a dream in many ways…a fleeting existence that is valid at the time one is experiencing it, but human death is not the end of all there is, so why would God be worried if someone should die, either through natural means, murder, or suicide?  All return to God in the end…so it is all good.  Why would God shield individuals away from pain?  What stimulus would individuals then have for change and growth?

Yes, it is the experience that is important…not whether something is good or bad, or whether someone feels something is “too much”.  That expression is without meaning…just because someone feels pain does not mean that one has been given “too much”.  Your life situation was created from every choice you ever made.  How many of those choices were taken and made out of greed, selfishness, unwillingness, wantonness, resentment, and other negative emotions developed out of a state of Fear?

When you develop your Faith in God, you start to release Fear and thus are able to heal more easily.  Love is all there is, but if you are in a state of Not-Love then you are in a state of Fear and thus you must reverse the process.  You must release the conditioning that you were raised with to discover that which resonates within you.  By being transparent with what you resonate you will come to a greater understanding of who you are and how you were designed.  Thus, you will have valuable information as you design your path to return to a state of Grace and Love with God.

If you believe that every choice you have made or not made has led you to this place in your life, how would God give you too much?  You created your personal reality and you are living it…and you are each the one responsible for changing that reality as well.  Not God, not the Angelics, and not anyone else.  Just you.  Understand – as long as you stay confused and mixed up emotionally you will always be giving your power away.  By developing a state of Grace and a state of Love you will have a platform to base your life choices upon that is not a state of Fear.

Love is All There Is.  The perception that Love does not exists is Fear and it is a lie.  When you return time and again to the idea that Love is All There Is then you will grow to realize that all this, the images, the politics, the pain, the promises…all are just wisps in the dream you call reality.  How much energy you put into this reality will make it more or make it less real to you.  It does not invalidate your experience – it just means your energy creates the reality you choose.  If you don’t like your reality, it is up to you to change it.  Many don’t because they are either fearful it will be “worse” or they are afraid of some unknown ramification…change scares many, many people.

So, if we return to the knowledge that God ok’d your life, then who are the Angelics to countermand God’s decision and take matters into their own hands?  They are embodiments of Love and Compassion, and have a constant connection with God, thus their Faith has a stronger reason to exist than Humanity does.  Thus they understand that God knows all and understand that this is just one aspect of a larger whole, an experience designed and approved for you to have.

“Why is my life this way?”  This is the basis of your questioning of God.  Even in the “happiest” of lifetimes everyone SHOULD ask this question.  It starts one on the path.  Even those raised in a religious environment should ask this question as it will lead to the path of self-enlightenment and a deeper connection with God.

So – that is the beginning…and the end.  But there is a whole lot in between.  Humans are designed to have emotional depths and complexities, so healing a hurt is not easy – it takes a lot of work and effort and if you think you have healed something then start over, because the chances are you have not.

Human societies used to respect the elders and the wise people of their tribes and communities. Wisdom and maturity were goals that were valued and the individuals in the communities strove for those traits.  Introspection and reflection were daily parts of one’s life and so while some hurts were never healed, the dedicated person would work their way through pain and gain wisdom of the events and grow in that manner.

Trust in God is one of the basic opportunities that all humans have, regardless of how they phrase it or how they define God.    Abandonment is at the root of all lifetimes.  Your connection to God was completely severed when you a small child and that created a lack in your life.  A place that was filled became empty.  In some households that lack will be more apparent than in others.

But the lack exists within each human.  That is the basis of all addictions, the desire for love and companionship, and the desire to inflict pain upon others who seem happier than you…common human patterns of behavior.  The root is the fact that you no longer Trust God, because God abandoned you here…alone and without your memories of what Truly Is…in this human world that is cold and harsh and you know something is missing…something is not right…but over time you bury that sensation in some experience or another.

School, activities, hobbies, family – all these things occupy your mind, but nothing quite ever fills the gap.  When you feeling the failure that is to fill the gap, that feeling in turn feeds into the distrust and unhappiness.  Maybe one’s life is far from filling that gap or maybe one’s life is close to perfect.  It does not matter, really.  The lack is there, present for each person to fill in some way, shape, or form.

Not everyone turns to the Spiritual to fill the gap.  Some turn to food, drugs, alcohol, addictions, manipulation, bitterness, politics…anything where one can get some form of instant satisfaction that buries the gap for even a little while.

The Spiritual Path requires solitude and quiet.  Why?  Because when one is alone by oneself one cannot escape from oneself, one’s choices in life, and one’s perceived ideas of good, bad, happy, or sad.  It provides the opportunity for one to reflect, which can lead to healing and growth.  Not always, as many prefer to wallow in their poo poo pile, but some individuals relish in the solitude that is not aloneness, and they grow and develop in their connection to God.

But the human society does not approve of time spent in solitude.  Your society today has done everything it can to create tools and toys that occupy every waking moment to prevent solitude.  Why? Perhaps because the ego would find itself diminished if one were able to grow beyond needing its approval and existence.  Perhaps because when one heals and grows the Detritus has nothing to feed upon.  Perhaps because those around you are jealous and fearful of anyone who grows beyond their approved status quo.  Perhaps because of these things and more.

Why would anyone or anything struggle to keep from changing a life that is unhappy?  It is the same answer regardless of what it is – FEAR.  Your solution to Fear is the absence of fear which is LOVE. LOVE must be present all the time, in all that you do.  LOVE feeds Gratitude which feeds Hope and Charity for self and others.

These attributes were not just arbitrarily made up – they have a purpose and that purpose is designed to help someone move through the rough terrain of the spiritual path.

When you find Love then you start to heal the mistrust you hold inside against God.  When you can look at your life – all of it, mistakes, shame, fear, all of it! – with understanding of how it was all allowed to take place to take you to a state of Grace, then you will experience Gratitude, another step towards learning to Trust God.

A State of Grace is a place of learning and growth in connection with God.  It is an elevation from your current perspective to one where you have learned from your choices and have healed and grown from those choices.  Misery leads to Grace because humans only respond to negative stimulation.  Thus, Misery leads to opportunities to grow, thus leads to Grace.  Grace is not Gratitude.  Gratitude is not the same thing as Grace.  You can be grateful for many things, but having Gratitude does not mean one has achieved a state of Grace.  When you have achieved a state of Grace, however, you are grateful to all and for all you have gone through.

In its simplest state, Trusting God means viewing with Gratitude the life you have chosen and led as a blessing and not a curse, with the realization that even when you felt isolated and disconnected from God that God was truly there every moment along the way.

The One Rule – Seek Love

Greetings, Beloved Ones.

In each human life, an opportunity is presented for one to view oneself with complete clarity and transparency.  Honesty has a moment to rip away all the curtains shrouding your identity and bare all within to the Light within.

Do not turn away from these moments.  Do not shrink away and cover yourself up.  Take this time to examine yourself closely, warts and all, for this is a gift to you from Spirit, from your Higher Self, from your Guides, and Guardians, and Angels for that which is attached to you will soon rush to deceive you.  That attachment is called the ego.

Your ego has served a useful purpose during your formative years; at times protecting you and at times limiting you.  The time has come to start separating your ego from yourself so that you can stand alone within the Light.

The Creator does not demand perfection; that is ego.

The Creator does not insist upon cleanliness and sterility; that is ego.

The Creator does not back away from that which is considered repulsive or unclean; that is ego.

The Creator does not demand ideology; that is ego.

The Creator Loves All; there is no differentiation amongst all; all are one and all are acceptable to the Creator and all are Loved by the Creator.

But wait; I can hear you now…you were taught this or were taught that…the rules and demands that were taught when you were growing up are rules of man, not the rules of the Creator.  The Creator has only one rule – Love.

Love for humans is very difficult; they don’t understand how encompassing this rule is.  It overwhelms people when they are given this simple, one rule, so they rush to delineate it, to clarify it, to slice and dice it up into smaller pieces…yet in doing so, they have obliterated the one rule – LOVE.

So now, we bring it back to you.  LOVE.  The One Rule, the Only Rule needed to be followed.  When in confusion, seek Love.  When faced with hatred, seek Love.  When cornered and afraid, seek Love.  When loved and in love, seek Love.

What this means is a whole lot of difficulty for you, but the Creator does not worry, for the Creator Loves You.  So you have your whole life to learn this rule, your whole life to live this rule, your whole life to share this rule.

Maybe you have lived a life where you loved this group, but did not love that group.  No matter, there is time for you to learn to Love All.

Maybe you were hurt and are too afraid to Love Anyone?  That’s ok too; Love can heal you and help you learn what Love really means – not just what you were taught or shown it to mean.

Love is more than a singular feeling, more than a word that is said.  Love is complex and glorious and can truly be the entire meaning of your entire life.  Give Love a chance.  Seek Love.  Share Love.  Be Love.  Love is all there is.

Blessings to you.

Why am I not being aided as I requested?

Greetings Beloved Ones,

The Angelics hear your pleas for assistance when you make them and we always send you the energies of Light, Love, and Strength to help you through all situations you find yourself in so that you can choose you actions.  Many times, however, you are swaddled in pain and anger and don’t always think about the choices you make or have made.

We want to help you understand why you don’t always get your prayers answered in the manner you are requesting.

Understand that the Light Beings, the Angelics, and your Higher Self all understand completely what your blueprint for this lifetime is.  We understand the hopes, dreams, and desires that you wanted to accomplish while on the earth plane and we will never, ever go against that plan.  The Truth of the matter is simple, though it may seem complex and convoluted to you.  Every choice and non-choice you have made is a reflection of free will.  Every choice and non-choice you have made has created the life you live and has brought you to this moment in your life.

We do not see any of this as “bad”.  Bad and good are human designations and are entirely dependent upon the perspective of the individual living their human experience.  We of the Light respect your right to make any and all choices, regardless of whether it is “good” or “bad” for you.  If you choose a life filled with self-destructive choices We will honor you for it.  If you choose a life making logical and reasoned choices We will honor you for it.  If you sit and hide in your home and refuse to make any choice at all We will honor you for it.

It is not our place to judge how you live your life or the choices and non-choices you make while living it.  We will not judge you after it is over either.  This is your human experience and We Love You completely, entirely, and unconditionally.

What happens when choices or non-choices you make lead to something you designate as “bad” or “undesirable”?  We Love You and send you Light, Love, and Strength to help you do as you choose.

Unfortunately, many individuals sink into a state of emotional turbulence and reject the energy that is sent to them as they cycle down in their poo poo piles (as my Avatar calls it).  And We of the Light honor and respect the choice to reject the energy.

We will never force you to do anything because it is not Our place to do so.  This is YOUR life.  Your life is a result of Your Free Will.  No one can change your life but You.  And We provide you with the strength to do so – if you accept it, it is there.

So, below are a few guidelines to help you understand why your prayers are not always answered as you want them to be answered.

1.  Your Angelics, Light Beings, Higher Self, Guardians, etc. all work together for your Highest and Best Good in alignment with your blueprint, your life plan which was established before you were born into the body you currently reside in.

2.  Just because you are miserable does not mean the Light will do anything to alleviate the situation or make it better.  The Light honors every choice you make – including those that make you miserable or choices that allow you to stay in situations that are not in your highest and best good.
3.  You are ultimately responsible for your choices and non-choices through the Truth of Free Will and these are what determine and create the life you live and We of the Light respect that and will not interfere with your choices.
So, even though you may be consciously asking for assistance to remove or heal something, if it is not in your highest and best good for any Light Being to take action then they won’t.
Yes, you may feel that you are trying to change a situation, but it may be that you are not yet at the point you need to be for the Light to lend more substantial assistance, that you have not taken the actions necessary to trigger their help, or it may be that the lesson itself has not yet appeared or been experienced.  Many times individuals feel they have reached the “end of their rope” and “cannot take another thing”, yet that does not translate into the individual taking action to make a change in their life.  You might detest the situation you are in, you may feel hopeless or bound to a situation, but you are the only person who can make a change in your life.
Humans can definitely get caught up in their emotional state – this is one of the wonderful things about being human – the emotional state!  The Truth, however, is that sometimes humans have to go through something terrible to learn something as part of their Life Plan.  Humans will unconsciously make free will choices to ensure that the experience happens because it is written into their blueprint.  One’s Higher Self will also bring about situations and circumstances to ensure that experience so you have the opportunity to grow and learn from it.
But take heart – once the lesson has been learned options and opportunities will arise out of nowhere to assist you with making new free will choices…or non-choices.  This is our gift to you – assistance that just appears and which can change your life in an extremely short period of time.  To accept a choice and make a change in your life is your free will…to reject a choice and make a non-action and keep your life is your free will.
We know that what we have state above may make some individuals unhappy or even discontented.  Having the human experience was never meant to be easy or carefree.  Unfortunately, many individuals were raised with concepts and ideas of the way your reality is that are completely out of sync with the Truth.  We are in the process of writing a guide e-book to provide information to assist you to help yourself.  The Truths presented in the e-book will be options for you to accept or reject based off your resonance to what is presented.
Remember!  We will never tell you what to do – we Love you and honor your right to Free Will, and will be with you always!
Blessings to you, Beloved Ones.

Step Back and Take Stock

Greetings Beloved Ones.

We angelics would like you to ponder an idea.  When you are struggling with doing something and nothing seems to be going well, what do you do?  What is your pattern of behavior in situations like this?

We ask this because many people engage in the self-destructive pattern of continuing to throw themselves into the situation because they are afraid to “fail”.  They are afraid to be seen or afraid to view themselves as a “quitter” and so they continue to battle onward.  Unfortunately, this is not always what is in your highest and best good.

Challenge exists on the human plane and that you will find challenges throughout your lifetime.  When you encounter something challenging, we would like you to take a moment to step back, become calm and centered, and ask yourself, “why am I doing this?”.

This simple question, asked when you are grounded and balanced and in a neutral emotional state, can help direct your next steps.  So much negative energy is wrapped up in frustration, hurt, and anger feelings and while these certainly can damage you yourself, when you are caught up in a cycle of these negative emotions many times you can also hurt those around you – especially those you love.

There are many detrimental energies that exist on the human plane that encourage these types of emotions and events.  They fan the fire of your ire and then bask in the glow that erupts through harsh words and physical actions.

This is not the path of Love.  These are not actions chosen for you by Spirit.  Whenever any emotion other than Love is felt or expressed by you, realize that you are not acting from a place of Love and you are not acting in connection with Spirit.  Take control and step back and review the situation from a place of calm and detachment.

Your Higher Self has many challenges planned for you in your lifetime.  Your Free Will choices allow you to choose how you will act and live your life.  But we angelics are asking you to stop negative behavior patterns because this is not about overcoming a challenging.  The true challenge is to recognize when you are being manipulated by energies that don’t want you to succeed in living a life based in Love.

Love is all there is, truly.  When you turn away from Love you are adding to the difficulty in your life.  When you turn back to Love, and ask to be shown what else you could be doing, another path will be shown to you.  It may also have challenges, but when you choose the path of Love the challenges will be fewer and your Love of Self and Others will continue to grow.  Choose Love, always.

Keep this in mind, Beloved Ones.  We love you and are here with you always.

Seeking Answers from Within

Greetings, Beloved One.

Imagine for a moment; you see a dog in a room.  Inside the room is a blanket on the floor, a dog food dish, a water bowl, a door to the outside, and a basket of toys.  The dog sits in the middle of the room and whines.  You look at the dog and ask it – are you hungry?  Are you thirsty?  Do you need to go outside?  Do you want to play?  And all the while, the dog looks at you and whines.

You see that the dog is not hurting, so you begin to work your way through the options – is it thirsty, hungry, bored, or needing to use the outdoors.  One after the other, the dog rejects each offering you make to provide succor.  You look at the dog and say “now what?” since nothing you have offered has helped and the dog comes to you and pushes its head into your hands, wanting, of all things some petting.

Humans share this basic desire for love and affection, energetically and physically, and when you don’t perceive that you are getting what you need you will act out, in some way, to satisfy the urge within you.  The urge many times does not have words or clarity – it is a feeling that drives you to “do” something.  Sometimes that something is to eat or drink or take drugs or have sex or even a combination of things that provide a visceral sensation and may seem to be giving that urge what it needs to be satisfied.

But it does not go away.  It may stop for the moment as the dog may stop whining if you feed it or let it outside, but just as the dog will come back to you again until it gets what it wants, that urge will return to you.  The next time, however, you will find it harder to satisfy and you will find yourself more frustrated than before trying to come up with some solution.

We beg you – before you go through these steps again – stop.  Instead of turning to action, instead – turn within.

Within you are the answers to everything you could ever ask for, but you have to be open to the process.  Within each human is a connection that will provide all the love you could ever ask for, all the conversation you could ever seek, and all the acceptance that you will never give to yourself.  All there, waiting for you to seek it out.

Suffering from depression or addiction?  Seek within.  Feeling rejected and lonely?  Seek within.  Feeling happy and joyous?  Seek within.  When you seek within and join with your higher self and with Spirit, you are not taking away from anything else or anyone else – you are merely rejoining with part of yourself that does not exist physically on the earth plane.

You are so much more than the physical shell you occupy.  You are so much more than the personality you exhibit.  You are so much more than the impulses and tendencies that drive your days and your nights.  And when you seek within and rejoin with your higher self and with Spirit, that urge that gnaws at you will be satisfied.

It really does not take much, Beloved Ones.  A few minutes spent daily meditating and seeking within will provide balance, grounding, and Love – things that all beings require.

So what is stopping you from doing this simple task?  Self doubt?  Frustration that your expectation of miracles does not happen the first three times you meditate?  Lack of self-love driving a wedge between you and real Love?

Look at where you are and where you would like to be.  Try meditating for five minutes daily for 22 days in a row.  Five minutes is not much time – some people spend more than twice that amount of time on the commode during their day.  Surely five minutes a day is not too much to ask to heal yourself, feel Love, and receive that which can point you on your way to true fulfillment?

We Angelics are here to help you with this as well!  You are never alone and we can always help you with nudges and reminders to do the task as well as helping you focus while you are doing it.  We are here to Love and Guide you and when you spend time communing with us, we get to share our Love with you as well.

Think about this, Beloved One, and know we are here to help you at all times, every day.  You are Loved.

Seeking the Real You Within

Blessings and greetings to you!

How many times have you started to do something – maybe something creative or even just a work project – when you were hit with the idea that someone else would do it better than you ever could?  Maybe the first time you had that idea was during your elementary science fair project…maybe it was in the art room, or the creative writing class, at piano recitals or even just cleaning house with your siblings or parents?  So often humans compare yourselves to everyone out there who you perceive as “perfect” and thus you decide you yourself are “less than”.  

We are here today to say you ARE perfect.  Maybe someone has done something you want to do and impressed you with their performance or product so much that you don’t feel you can compare with them.  It does not mean that you and that other person have different knowledge or abilities – you just think they did so what is the point of your trying?  Or, if you do try it, you sabotage yourself and the end result is not as good as it could have been if you have tried wholeheartedly.

Humans are their own worst enemy, own worst critic and we want to tell you that you need to re-evaluate these toxic thoughts and beliefs!  Change your thinking, change your perspective, and you will change your world!  Remember – you create your own reality!  Figure out what means the most to you, figure out what resonates with the Light within you, and you will discover the path that will change your world.

All knowledge and all information that exists in this world is part of the collective intelligence that belongs to the Creator.  No one has ever created an idea or discovered anything because it was already created and has never been lost.  It is available to EVERYONE and it is the right of everyone to access that information and use it appropriately in their lifetime.

Throughout humanity leaders arise.  Many of these individuals appear charismatic, verbally deft, and project a sense of authority over the topic of which they speak.  Some set themselves up as gurus, critical thinkers, experts on the subject matter and will tell you that you need to do it as they say because you don’t understand the topic like they do.  Sadly, so many people fall under the spell of charisma without thinking about the ramifications of handing over their personal power to someone else, someone they don’t know at all just because that person seems to know “it” better than they themselves do.

This may be a choice, and you always have the right to make that choice, but we are telling you NOW that this does not free you from the responsibility of free will choices and that you will need to deal with that choice for some time to come.  Whether it is your parent, a teacher, a religious leader, a political leader, a sibling or a partner/spouse to whom you give your personal power to does not matter.  You are not meant to give away your personal power to anyone – it is yours and it is meant to help you grow and to shape you along your path in this lifetime.  When someone abdicates their responsibility to live their life fully there are karmic repercussions to that choice.  These will have to processed in this lifetime, when you have departed from the earth plane, and sometimes in other incarnations.

How do you give your personal power to others?  Any time you think someone is better than you at anything you are giving them a chord to your personal power and you feed them your energy.  That energy will never again feed you unless you break that chord.  Once humans start feeding from others they do not surrender that energy easily.  But once you realize and BELIEVE that you are worthy, lovable, and capable you can live consciously with your energy flowing fully around you, manifesting the life you are meant to live.

We, the angelics, do not demand that everyone be a cookie-cutter imitation of someone else.  There is no “ideal” image of what each person should be like.  One of the reasons souls incarnate on the earth plane is to experience diversity of character.  Individuality is most desired.  When one returns to the energetic state you return to the state of All That Is.  While that state of communion is blissful, one belongs to all and all belong to one – there is no individuality.  So while you may find it easier to follow someone else’s direction and “be” who they want you to be, it is your responsibility to yourself and your higher self to discover who you really are.  You are beautiful, you are wonderful, you are fun, you are creative, and you are perfect just the way YOU are.  

We want you to start practicing that belief right away.  Stop pretending in whatever way you are pretending and look at the glorious individual you are.  Love yourself.  Strip away all that is NOT you and see yourself in the Light of Love, for that is how we angelics see each of you.  Individual and Perfect.

Yes, there are those who will resist any change you want to make in your life, but you owe it to yourself to live consciously.  Align yourself with the Light that exists within you and the strength you need to make the changes will be there.  Align yourself with the Light that exists within you and you will find yourself being the person you never thought you be, the person inside that you rejected for years – maybe for your entire lifetime.  Does that mean you walk away from your responsibilities and justify that as living your life?

No, because your life will change once you align with the Light within.  Changes will occur and you will realize a life that is perfect for you and not in conflict.  Yes, some individuals may leave – or you may leave some individuals behind, but living a life true to yourself means that you are going to have to stop being what you were pretending to be, and those people who prefer the fake you are not worth having around you.

Embrace the Love within you, the Light within you, and share that with the world in whatever manner manifests itself within you.  Write that story, paint that painting, go to meetings you did not dare to go to before, make friends with that person who said what resonated within you, but scared you because they looked or acted differently than what you were taught is “correct”.  Learn about the world around you from your own perspective – not one you were conditioned to believe is the ‘only one’.

There is no one way.  For anything.  All will return to the Creator at the end and each will face his or her Higher Self.  Live the life you designed together, and revel in the joy that is YOU instead of being miserable pretending to be something that is not you.

We Love YOU and we want YOU to love yourself as much as we Love YOU.  We angelics are always here, ready to provide you with succor.

Breathe, Live, and Love.


Despair, Shame, and Free Will

Greetings, Beloved Ones.

The angelics have a hard time understanding the disconnect humans experience from the Love of the Divine.  Because we know you must be lonely without the All that Is we try to help you rediscover the connection.  When you are able to rediscover the connection, even on a moment by moment basis, you are able to set aside the negative emotions that drive you to distraction.

Distraction from?  From being in a place of Love and Joy at all times.  It is a circular situation.

Despair and shame are two such emotions that humans often experienced and they are linked in ways most people don’t understand.   When one is feeling Love there is no room for anything but Joy.  When one is in a constant state of Joy there is no room for despair. So we try to help you in every way we can to help you realize how perfect and wonderful you are and understand that you are loved absolutely and completely!  No matter who tells you differently!

Humans are taught shame from the time you are born through your parents or guardians conditioning. When you enter the human form as a infant you are still in the process of shifting your energy into that physical form from the spiritual being you are.  As such, you sleep a lot and have to learn about being human.  Every society has different cultural understandings and mores and within that the family environment you are brought into has its own culture and mores.

As you become more fully integrated within your physical shape, you lose your connection with the Divine and you become more dependent upon human emotions shared among your family.  And thus conditioning becomes the primary means for your understanding the world around you and forms your basic understanding of who you are.  Many people are taught from an early age that they are not good enough, not liked, not worthy, and many other things, the most damaging being that you are not lovable.

These ideas create shame and unless one is ‘unconditioned’ of these terrible beliefs of inadequacies, one will continue their entire life in a perpetual state of misery.  Feelings such as shame and misery do not just magically disappear just because is determined to be an “adult” in his or her society.

Even religious institutions perpetuate the feelings of shame and denigration for being exactly as the Creator designed the human race to be.  This is not healthy or desirable.  NOR is it what the Creator feels about you.  The Creator loves you absolutely and completely as you are – warts, faults, “sins”, diseases, disabilities, or anything else that society throws at you as “bad” and “unworthy”.

Shame is an example of an emotion that creates feelings of isolation and loneliness.  These feelings can lead one to choose destructive physical behaviors. The angelics know what you are experiencing and we and your guides and your guardians will reach out to you with love and hope to release those emotions you are experiencing before you hurt yourself or someone else.  Sometimes we are successful, but many times you push us away.  That does not mean we stop trying – it just means that you have made a choice to do what you want – which is your right to free will.

The right to free will is one of the most important aspects of being human.  Each individual has the right to choose whatever actions he or she wants to take.  And all choices you make create your reality.  And if the reality you live in is one of misery and pain we will never desert you for those choices.  We are always here, whenever you choose to reach out to us, and we will love you without faltering – no matter how unworthy or hatefully you think you are.

And that is the message we want to share with you today.  There is no one so horrible or hateful who is not loved by the Creator, by the angelics, by their guides, by their guardians, or by their Higher Self.  We will always put people and situations in your path who may be able to show you a way to a less destructive route.  We will always shower you with Love with the hope that the energy sinks in and helps you heal.  We will never stop trying to help you reconnect with the Love energy of the Divine.

You may make choices that society despises, but you will always be loved by us.  And we are always here, waiting for that moment when you reach out to us.

Remember – You are Loved.